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- Film Number: MGH 6394
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Compilation of very short colour sequences shot and listed in series by Corps Camouflage Officer Captain Harold Good during military exercises by various units of British Army 12 Corps in Southern England in 1942 and 1943.
- Description: "Blackcock - tracks (3 Mons)." (3rd Battalion Monmothshire Regiment.) Ground shot of gap in a hedgerow. The ground has been churned up badly by vehicles. "Harlequin - Men crossing field and wire." Two ground shots showing a line of men marching in camp across a field. Second shot is of them negotiating a wire fence. "Harlequin (Maiden) shot along path. Tents under trees marked off track." Two ground shots, the first shows a narrow country lane through wooded fields. Soldiers appear to be working on the side of the road. Second shot shows three soldiers walking along the lane, now marked and fenced. "Track." B&W still. "Pilgrim - Signals tracks across road." Ground shot C/U of section of road with tufts of mud and grass covering a cable (?). "6 Fld R.A." (6th Field Regiment. Royal Artillery." Ground shot of a field, in the B/G can be seen several Quad vehicles and some men. There is an obvious vehicle track across the field. "Blackcock- Tank trks after breakthrough" Low altitude aerial shot of fields. Tanks can be seen crossing them and leaving tracks behind. "Blackcock - Tracks made by M.T." Ground shot of a field with deep vehicle tracks left in it. "Hammer - tanks trks outside." Low altitude shot of a field with heavy vehicle track marks in the corner. "Tracks leading to H.A.A. site." (Heavy Anti-aircraft gun.) Ground shot of field with a heavily used track through the middle. "Track being made by Quad?" Ground shot of a field, in the B/G is a row of Quads and other vehicles and we see a Quad moving away from camera leaving obvious track marks in the grass. "Tank tracks 2nd Mons." (2nd Battalion, Monmouthshire Regiment.) Low altitude shots of a field scoured by track marks in the mud. "Tank tracks B/W." Various B&W low altitude shots of tank tracks in fields. Some Churchill tanks can be seen. "Tracks R.A. (Sepia)." Various B&W stills. "Tracks leading to R.A. site." (Royal Artillery.) Mid altitude shot of a field, some faint tracks can be seen. "Track round field." Low altitude shot of a field with heavy tracks in the grass around it perimeter. "Tracks to wood. B/W." B&W shots. "Tracks leading to wood." Low altitude shot of fields and a railway line. "Tracks Hedge." B&W stills with arrows. "Tracks alongside wood." Very low altitude shot of mud churned up along the edge of a field. "Harlequin - pipe line site." Low altitude shot of a field and trees. No obvious activity is visible. "R.A track." (Royal Artillery.) Mid altitude shot of a field. A track can be seen running through the field to an emplacement. Track leading to wagon lines in wood." Low altitude shot of a small wood in a field. A very obvious track can be seen running into the woods.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (Kodachrome)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6394
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1942
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Good, Harold L (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (Kodachrome) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: None Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 200 ft; Running time: 5 mins
- HD Media:
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