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- Film Number: MGH 6398
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Compilation of very short colour sequences shot and listed in series by Corps Camouflage Officer Captain Harold Good during military exercises by various units of British Army 12 Corps in Southern England in 1942 and 1943.
- Description: "Harold - 4.5's under nets." - Very low altitude shot of a field with three 4.5 inch artillery pieces camouflaged under nets. "25 pounder in gorse." - Low altitude, poor quality shot (bad camera shake) of a 25 pound gun hidden in a gorse patch in a field. "Tiger - 4 plant nets in open." - Operation Tiger. Low altitude shot of a field with a wood along one side. We can see four emplacements covered by nets and local material, plants etc. Also several vehicles are parked along the treelined edge of the field. B&W still with animated arrow. "R.A. along hedge." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot flying parallel to hedgeline. Many vehicles can be seen parked up, including lots of Morris Quads and several MT's. "Bofors in bushes (Low & high shot)." - Two shots of fields with several emplacements in them. Not much activity can be seen. "Bofors in echelon." - Low altitude shot of a large field. It is difficult to make out where the emplacements are. "Bofors in cornfield." - Two low and very low altitude shots of a Bofors gun emplacement in a field of stubble. No activity can be seen around the gun. "3 flying OPs" - (Observation Planes.) Low altitude shot flying over a wintry woodland. In a clearing two Lysander (?) planes can be seen parked up. No sign of the third plane in H.L.G's title. "Mound." - Several low altitude shots of mounds dug in fields. Most have distinct vehicle track marks leading to and from them. "Gun firing site." - Very short low altitude shot of fields with four emplacements in them. Some smoke can be seen, possibly from firing practice. "R.A. firing." - (Royal Artillery.) The same site as above with smoke rising from one of the guns after firing. "Pilgrim - Flying OP by farm buildings." - (Observation Plane.) Low altitude shot (upside down) a Lysander (?) sits in a very open field next to a small farm building. "R.A. guns along hedge. 8 Canadians 81st R.A." - (8th Canadian Battalion. 81st Regiment, Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of a field. At least eleven emplacements are sited along the hedgerow under camouflage nets. The emplacements are shown from several different angles and the quality of the shots vary. "25 pounders in gorse site." - Two low altitude shots of a gorse patch in the middle of a field. It is hard to pick out any gun or activity. "Blanford H.A.A. site." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft gun.) Low altitude shot of four anti-aircraft guns in the middle of a field. The guns are easily visible from the air as are two MT's parked in close proximity. "Blanford R.A. site" - (Royal Artillery.) High altitude shot of field. Difficult to distinguish any activity. "Blanford dummy R.A. pits & tracks." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of fields marked with white markings and dummy trenches. "Dummy Bofors." - B&W ground shot of a dummy gun surrounded by a dummy crew. "H.A.A. positions." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft guns.) Three shots of a field with four gun emplacements in it. The first is from a fairly high altitude and seems to show four guns and a command post with tracks running between them. The second and third shot are from a very low altitude and show that the guns and tracks are all dummies. The third shot shows a real vehicle parked near the dummies and several people milling around it. "25 Pndr + 4.5 site Farnham." - (25 pound gun. 4.5 inch gun.) Two very high altitude shots of fields and farm buildings, some emplacements can be seen and some vehicle track marks. "Concealed dummy 6 Pdr by shed. Norwich." - Ground shot of a dummy gun in front of some dilapidated farm buildings. The gun is covered by nets. "Dummy 17 Pdrs, tanks." - (17 pound guns.) C/U ground shot of a dummy gun and crew under nets. In the background we can see some terraced houses and gasometers. "Decoy gun disguised as lorry." - Three C/U ground shots of what looks like a truck. In each of the three shots the crew dive out from under the tent-like structure which give the gun a lorry shape and proceed to dismantle the tent to reveal an artillery piece. The trailer is disconnected and the gun maneuvered into position. Each time this process is done very quickly. "H.A.A. site - Blanford display." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft.) Ground shot C/U of several dummy gun emplacements. "Blanford - 17 pounders display." - Two C/U ground shots of dummy guns with crew and nets. This is the same location as earlier shots with terraced houses and gasometer in the B/G. " Dummy H.A.A. gun." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft.) Ground shot C/U (out of focus) shot of a dummy gun.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (Kodachrome)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6398
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1942
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Good, Harold L (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (Kodachrome) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: None Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 350 ft; Running time: 9 mins
- HD Media:
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