Film Number:MGH 6401
Other titles:AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
Summary: Compilation of very short colour sequences shot and listed in series by Corps Camouflage Officer Captain Harold Good during military exercises by various units of British Army 12 Corps in Southern England in 1942 and 1943.
Description: "Blackcock - Tracks & smoke (ground) 33rd Hussars." - Several W/S on the ground of a treelined field criss crossed with tanks tracks and with smoke coming out of the treeline.
"Blackcock - signposting (control)." - C/U ground shots of signs. on the edge of roads. The first reads "all control". The second shot is of two signs "All traffic will proceed very slowly past house" and " All visiting". The third shows a sign outside a house and front garden and reads "control and Army." A soldier with white arm warmers stands close to the sign (traffic officer?).
"Reflected lights." - High altitude shot of light reflecting off water or buildings in the distance.
"Harlequin - men marching and carrier on road." - Ground shot driving past a column of vehicles (Cardon Loyd tracked transports?) and a column of marching men.
"Farnham." - High altitude shot of countryside.
B&W drawings.
"Overhead cover." - Low altitude, upside down shot of a gun under a net in a field.
"Straffed positions." - High altitude shot of a plain.
Series of B&W shots.
"Harlequin - P.T. in open." - (Physical Training.) W/S ground shot of men running around a field.
Series of B& shots.
"General and outriders." - Low altitude shot of a staff car escorted by four motorcyclists.
Series of B&W shots.
Alternative Title:AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]