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- Film Number: MGH 6402
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Compilation of very short colour sequences shot and listed in series by Corps Camouflage Officer Captain Harold Good during military exercises by various units of British Army 12 Corps in Southern England in 1942 and 1943.
- Description: "Harlequin - Hy AA site." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft.) Low altitude shots of and encampment. A long row of round tents can be seen along a hedgerow. "Harlequin - HAA." - (Heavy Anti-aircraft.) The same camp from a different angle. "Fortesque - disused 4.5 pit." - (4.5 inch gun.) Mid altitude shot of a pit with two lorries parked near it. The second shot shows an abandoned pit with no activity. "Fortesque - high shot R.A. positions." (Royal Artillery.) - Several shots from very high altitude of countryside. No activity or obvious emplacements can be seen. B&W shots with animated arrows. "R.A. by hedge." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of hedgerow with three or four emplacements by it. "R.A. siting in gap in hedge." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of an encampment in the fields. This can only be seen later in the sequence because of blankets left out to dry. "R.A. under trees." - (Royal Artillery.) Several low altitude shots of emplacements under nets running along hedgerows and under trees in fields. "R.A. edge of wood." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of a motorbike and two soldiers by a hedgerow. "R.A. troop in green field." - (Royal Artillery.) Mid altitude shot of around four emplacements in a field under nets. "R. A. site on barrack lines." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of several tents in a field. "R.A. netted in field." - (Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of four emplacements under nets in a field. "71 Fld Regt R.A." - (71st Field Regiment Royal Artillery.) Very bad quality shot, nothing distinguishable. "4th Canadians R.A. under trees." - (4th Canadian Battalion. Royal Artillery.) Very short low altitude shot of camp made under trees lining a road. "R.A. 72 med Rgt." - (Royal Artillery. 72nd Medium (?) regiment.) Three low altitude shots of gun emplacements dug in in fields. "H.Q. R.A. Canadian." - (Canadian Royal Artillery.) Mid altitude shot of fields and buildings. In one shot a row of white tents can be seen. B&W shots with animated arrows. "Bofors." - Very low altitude shot of a Bofors gun emplacement. Bad quality, camera shake. B&W shots with animated arrows. "2 trps across field." - Mid altitude shot of a large field with several emplacements under nets. "Guns netted." - Low altitude shot of two emplacements under nets in a field. "Bofors." - Very low altitude shot of a Bofors gun emplacement. Bad quality, camera shake. "Bofors (low flying over.)" - Low altitude shot of a Bofors gun emplacement. A vehicle can be seen parked and the crew are sitting around the gun. "Bofors in gorse b. Echelon." - Low altitude shot of gorse field. No activity is obvious. "Fortesque - 59 Med regt R.A. harbouring area." - (59th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery.) Low altitude shot of countryside. no obvious activity. "Fortesque - 72 Med regt R.A. positions." - (72nd Medium Regiment Royal Artillery.) High altitude shot of small town or village. No obvious activity. "R.A. moving across open field." - (Royal Artillery.) B&W footage of quads with gun tractors. "Dummy Bofors." - B&W shot of a dummy Bofors gun and crew. "Blanford - Quad display." - C/U ground shot of dummy Quad. Series of B&W sequences. "Mounds - 81st Dunterlands 6 FD Lark Hill." - C/U ground shot of lake with a pile of local material in F/G. Low altitude shot of emplacements outside village. Ground shot of gun under nets. "11pdr against skyline." - Ground shot C/U of Silhouette of a gun. The crew run into frame to man the gun. "Bushed 25 pdr, end hedge." - Ground shot of hedge with house in B/G. "Netted OP against sky - West Down Camp." - (Observation Post.) Ground shot looking up at hut on scaffolding. A net above it and it's painted in camouflage. B&W sequence of bombing runs. Heinkels, paratroopers, Stukas etc. "Hammer - Bofors and trees." - C/U ground shot of a manned Bofors gun being raised and lowered. It is place by a country lane with trees visible in the B/G. "Hammer - R.A. troop taking position." - (Royal Artillery.) Various B&W ground shots of MT's and quads. "Mounds - 81st Dunterlands 6FD Lark Hill." - C/U ground shot of an emplacement unidentifiable under camouflage placed in a field in front of a lake. Low altitude aerial shot of netted emplacements in field. Ground shot C/U pan of an artillery piece in a field under camouflage nets. "11 Pdr against skyline." - C/U ground shot of silhouette of an artillery piece. he crew run into shot and start to remove camouflage netting. "Bushed 25 pdr, end hedge." - C/U ground shot of a house with something camouflaged with local material in the garden. "7.2 under very bad netting." - B&W. "Netted OP against sky - West Down Camp." - Ground shot looking up of a scaffolding tower with hut on top and covered by a very thin camouflage net. "5 Hy recoil chocks." - Extreme C/U of a chock dug into the ground. "25 pdr close link up by use of drape net." - C/U ground shot of 25 pound gun with one crew member. The gun is placed under a tree and there is a camouflage net hanging above it. "25 pdr mounded by net & L/M." - C/U ground shot of a 25 pound gun. We can just see the barrel poking out of a pile of straw and branches. "Gun shield reflection." - Ground W/S pan around a camp. A reflection can be seen in the distance off the shield of a 25 pound gun. "Flying op." - Ground W/S of an observation plane. Two crew run into shot and go to the plane. "Harlequin - 4 ? ? against sited buildings." - Mid altitude aerial shot of an encampment. "Harlequin - Surplus tented camp." - High altitude shots of an encampment. We can just make out rows of tents in a field. "HQ 12 corps tents." - B&W shot with animated arrow. "Harlequin Tents and marquees under trees." - Several high altitude shots of white tents poking out from under trees in fields. Followed by several ground W/S of the same. Not much detail can be made out. "Harlequin Tents and marquees under trees." - More ground shots of tents pitched under trees. "Tents (dark) under trees." - Various ground C/U shots of tents pitched under trees. "Harlequin - tents under copse." - W/S of tents pitched under a copse of trees in a field. "Tents and vehicles." - B&W. "Tiger - tents under trees." - W/S pan of row of tents pitched under trees on the edge of a field. "Tents etc. RAMC fair." - (Royal Army Medical Corps.) Various pans of a tented encampment along the edge of a field. Most of the tents are covered in camouflage netting. Short B&W sequence. "Blackcock - tanks and trks round field (6th Guards)." - Low altitude aerial shots of a field with a convoy parked around the edge. "Blackcock - trks 23rd Hussars." - Low altitude shot of a field and wood. Vehicle tracks can be seen running along the edge of the field.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour (Kodachrome)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6402
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1942
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Good, Harold L (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (Kodachrome) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: None Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 350 ft; Running time: 9 mins
- HD Media:
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