Film Number:MGH 6363
Other titles:AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]
Description: [12:27:30] - Film begins with sequence of titles, B&W stills and animations.
[12:29:09] - Mid-altitude aerial shot of fields. Some emplacements can be seen.
[12:29:40] - W/S ground shot of an artillery piece and it's crew set up next to a chicken coup in a field.
[12:29:48] - B&W still
[12:29:55] - Several low altitude shots of farm land. Some evidence of vehicle can be seen.
[12:30:33] - Low altitude shot of a field with several emplacements in it.
[12:31:37] - Mid-altitude shot of a filed next to a row of houses. We can see several emplacements in the field.
[12:32:07] - Mid-altitude shot of a small field with four Quads towing guns in it.
[12:32:31] - Low altitude shot of a netted emplacement in a field.
Sequence of B&W pictures and drawings.
[12:34:47] - W/S ground shots of emplacements under local material camouflage.
[12:35:02] - Low altitude shot of soldier on a motorcycle in a field. Two other soldiers are nearby and they look to have range finding equipment.
Sequence of B&W film, drawings and stills.
[12:38:22] - W/S ground shots of various dummy emplacements under nets.
[12:38:43] - C/U of a gun being loaded and fired. Then the same sequence of events from outside the camouflage net. Movement can only just be seen.
[12:39:13] - Mid-altitude aerial shot of a field marked with tracks.
Sequence of B&W drawings.
[12:40:00] - Various ground shots of a large caliber gun emplacement. First not camouflaged then with soldiers stretching nets over it. We then see the crew run to the gun and clamber under the nets and fire the gun.
[12:41:26] - Low altitude aerial shot of emplacements under nets in a field. We see the gun fire as we fly over.
B&W sequence of film and drawings.
[12:43:50] - Very W/S ground shot of a field with an emplacement under nets in it.
[12:43:57] - Low altitude shot of a netted emplacement near a small village.
Sequence of B&W drawings and stills.
[12:46:34] - two low altitude aerial shots of countryside. No activity is visible.
[12:49:23] - Mid-altitude shot of countryside.
Sequence of B&W stills
[12:51:25] - Mid-altitude shot of a field with blankets left out to dry.
[12:54: 07] - Low altitude shot of a Lysander observation plane in a field.
Sequence of B&W drawings and stills
Alternative Title:AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN HAROLD GOOD [Alternative Title]