Summary: Second World War cinema short, appealing for funds for the Red Cross and St John Ambulance for the finance of parcels sent to British Prisoners of War in Germany.
Description: The film opens with a drawing of a wooden POW hut behind barbed wire and the title "From Stalag VIIIB" to the sound of men singing "God Save the King". Sections from a letter proportion to be from a British prisoner are read aloud. The letter mentions a parade to celebrate the King's birthday and emphasised the importance of the event "this simple act was a tonic to us all. When it was all over we changed back in to our rags and the day proceeded as all days do". Shots of Red Cross parcels being packed which the commentary noted are "welcomed by these gallant men". One scene shows a number of women, working in line, packing the boxes with good and straw. One of the women is wearing a cotton face mask. The commentary continues mentioning that the costs of sending such parcels is £4,500.000 and extra fund are urgently needed, asking for contributions at a forthcoming flag day. The film ends with a shot of a Red Cross and St John Ambulance poster showing a British POW behind barbed wire holding a Red Cross parcel on a wall and flags and a collection tin arranged in front of the poster. The commentary concludes with the appeal "Give generously and this simple act will be a tonic to us all".
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:MGH 2752
Access Conditions:NON-IWM
Featured Period:
Production Date:1942
Production Country: GB
Production Details: British Red Cross Society (Production sponsor)
St John Ambulance (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 117ft; Running time: 2 mins