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- Film Number: MGH 6751
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN JOHN PERRY [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Amateur film shot by Captain John Perry, Royal Artillery, while serving as a battery captain with 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery in the Aden Protectorate from 1960 to November 1961, and after training at Lympstone with the Royal Marines, as part of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery on the commando carrier HMS Albion en route to Sarawak at the outbreak of the Brunei Rebellion (December 1962) and the start of Confrontation with Indonesia.
- Description: Reel 1: ("Albion. Chopper Operations" - 1962) Actually views of Dayak (?) long house in Sarawak, with British soldiers crossing suspended walkway, and locals bathing and washing in river. (Near Pangalen Ampat.) Reel 2: ("Albion. Gibraltar Chopper Operations" - 1962). Shot at sea. Soldier holding hawk (Arab location?) On deck of HMS Albion, with Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) supply ship at sea. Reel 3: ("Albion. Refuelling and flight" - 1962) Replenishment at Sea (RAS) from RFA ship to camera ship, HMS Albion. Transferring supplies on deck. Helicopter on deck and approaching. Reel 4: ("Aden Protectorate - Part II" - 1962) Up-country in arid mountainous landscape, with British Army unit on lookout, and truck parked in shade. Shoreline. Aerial view of Army camp. Tracking shot through the Crater district of Aden. Distinctive windmill. At a horse racing meeting, with horses mounted by Arab jockeys. British soldiers on lighter, heading out to sea. Sunset. Reel 5: ("Aden Protectorate - Part I" - 1962) Aerial view from plane during take-off. RAF transport aircraft lands, then Army officers emerge. Red flag flying. Aerial views. Ancient Arab fortified city. Arab children. Aerial views. Firing artillery (exercise or operations?) Reel 6: ("Commando Training" - 1962) Union Jack flies outside entrance to Royal Marines Training Centre at Lympstone (Devon). Commando training scenes. Reel 7: ("Entering Gibraltar" - 1962) Helicopter lands on HMS Albion. Sailors man sides of ship as she enters Gibraltar Bay. Reel 8: ("Albion. Entering Suez" - 1962) Pennants of HMS Albion. Passing The Port Said Engineering Works before entering Suez Canal and passing dredgers. Reel 9: ("Brighton and Junkyard" - 1962) HMS Albion in line abreast with Rothesay Class frigate HMS Brighton (F.106). Sailor transferred across to the frigate, and stretcher case returned by jackstay. Cameraman's wife and daughter. Reel 10: Diving. Slow motion record of Captain Perry expertly executing various dives from medium level spring board into pool at RAF Sekong, New Territories, Hong Kong. (1954, after service in Korea) Reel 11: ("Pangalen Ampat 2") Jungle base camp in Sarawak. Dayak (?) long house. Helicopter lands in clearing. Locals. RAF transport plane drops supplies by parachute. Reel 12: ("Johore Baru. Singapore. Tiger Balm Garden") Elephant in water. European children enjoy party in Singapore. Mother and daughter. Scenes inside the Tiger Balm Garden (Haw Par). Reel 13: ("Tiger Balm Garden") Zoo scenes at Tiger Balm Garden. Reel 14: ("Norway. Thames Barges") Spritsail barges sailing along Thames. Car ferry in Norway during family holiday. Morris dancing in England.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY CAPTAIN JOHN PERRY [Alternative Title]
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6751
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1960
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Perry, John (Captain) (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: Std 8mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 14 Footage: 620ft ca; Running time: 46 mins
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