Summary: Silent film with captions showing the preparations of the Air Raid Precautions (ARP) and Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) for the eventuality of war in the town of Reading (Berkshire).
Description: Close up of siren.
"THE SERVICES MAN THEIR POSTS. AUXILIARY FIRE SERVICE" Shots of AFS members at fire station attaching pump trailers to vans. Aircraft fly overhead.
"AN INCENTIARY BOMB IS DROPPED" Staged scene showing the AFS response to a fire. (The burning building is a semi-derelict corrugated iron hall.) The AFS attend the scene, dragging their pump trailers by hand. A temporary water reservoir is set up and filled; the pump trailers are fed from this. Hoses are trained on the building.
"A GAS BOMB HAS ALSO BEEN DROPPED AND THE DECONTAMINATION SQUAD IS SUMMONED" At a location near a railway, a (small) bomb lies on the road. Decontamination squad vehicle arrives and the crew, clad in their protective clothing, set up "Danger Gas" signs, then spray the affected area with decontaminant fluid and powder. The decontaminant is then brushed away. They depart; ARP warden rings hand bell as warning. Long shots of terraced housing and streets.
"HIGH EXPLOSIVE BOMBS HAVE ALSO FALLEN" Smoke pours from a bomb-damaged building (actually a row of derelict terraced houses being used for the exercise). ARP men run down the street (scaring a cat, which beats a hasty retreat). The bombed buildings are searched and inspected.
"AFTER NOTING DAMAGE THE WARDEN PHONES HIS MESSAGE TO THE REPORT CENTRE" Interior of the centre; telephonist makes a note of the message, which is handed to a man at a desk marked "Chart Writer".
"HERE THE MESSAGE ENTERS THE CONTROL ROOM WHERE OFFICERS ORDER OUT THEIR SERVICES" Bomb indicators are placed on a chart and the location pinned onto a map before message is sent out and emergency services are summoned.
"RESCUE AND FIRST AID PARTIES ARRIVE ON THE SCENE" Vehicles arrive, including fire engine and pumps, cars with first aiders and an ARP ambulance. Stretchers are brought out; casualties are carried away. Firemen are treated with respirator. A young boy is carried from a house and treated before being stretchered to the ambulance. Debris is moved and other houses are searched; more casualties are stretchered to safely. Walking wounded are helped from the scene.