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- Title: THE FOURTH ARM [Main Title]
- Film Number: MGH 6811
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY ALFRED COUCHER [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Inspirational recruiting documentary with intertitles filmed by Alfred Coucher while Chief Air Raid Warden in St Marylebone records various aspects of the civilian defence (the "Fourth Arm") of this London borough at the outbreak of the Second World War.
- Description: (Reel 1) "St Marylebone in the smokey autumn damp of 1939" Construction scenes and government National Savings banner at Marble Arch "Save Your Way to Victory". Exterior of Selfridges department store in Oxford Street and large building (Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane?). "If War came - to your house or mine" precedes Evening Standard headline announcing German attack on Poland. Parade in Marylebone by servicemen and civilians, including members of the Observer Corps (Southern Counties) and the Women's Land Army. "Citizens of Marylebone training themselves to constitute the 'Fourth Arm'" Mayor and Mayoress in regalia. ARP wardens and St John's Ambulance Brigade nurses parade. Shot of fair-haired man with moustache (Alfred Coucher?) in Hyde Park. "The King Reviews National Service Volunteers in Hyde Park, July 9th 1939" Barrage balloon flies overhead. Members of St Marylebone section of National Service Volunteers seated on grass. Car of King George VI arrives before long parade starts, comprising uniformed members from service and voluntary organisations including the newly formed Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS), the Red Cross and St.John`s Ambulance and a group bearing a St Marylebone placard."Respirators are fitted and tested in the Gas Van". Civil Defence organised into 20 groups. Reporting Centre made bomb proof. "Sir John Fitzgerald presents a mobile canteen for Civil Defence workers" Women's Volunteers Service (WVS) mobile canteen is formally opened. "St Marylebone was the first London borough to have its own Mobile First Aid Unit" Press watch practice demonstration of walking wounded and severely injured on stretchers being assisted into an ambulance. (Reel 2) "From the Report Centre the many services of ARP are controlled: First Aid Units, Ambulance, Fire Services, Decontamination Units, Demolition and Repair Parties" Various exercises take place. "Realism is aimed at - panic-stricken inhabitants" Residents are rescued from damaged buildings and demolition parties go to work - "the older the building, the closer to reality". " 'Casualties' are always welcome" "A mutual assistance exercise" Services from neighbouring boroughs assist in Marylebone. Scenes in Cavendish Avenue, St John's Wood, London NW8. Cups of tea are dispensed by ladies at the WVS mobile canteen. Final title asserts that "The German 'Lightning War' [Blitzkrieg] will fail if Britain's 'Fourth Arm' is strong - and ready. We must be prepared. Self-preservation demands that St Marylebone protects itself. Are you doing your share? If not, Volunteer Now", concluding with Air Raid Precautions (ARP) badge.
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY ALFRED COUCHER [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6811
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1940
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Coucher, Alfred E Reneson (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 2 Footage: 920 ft ; Running time: 23 mins
- HD Media:
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