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- Film Number: MGH 6433
- Other titles:
- Summary: Compilation of five incomplete documentary films, separated by English main titles, includes amateur record of a local sports event in Nazi Germany and contemporary Nazi record of the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally showing SA Leader Röhm's prominence during the first year of the Nazi regime.
- Description: I. Hitler inspects the Westwall (Siegfried Line), accompanied by Dr Fritz Todt, in 1939. Headline in Völkischer Beobachter quotes statement by General von Witzleben that defences will hold. Aerial and ground level views of fortifications, and inside views of military preparations and leisure in tunnels, entered through Werkgruppe Scharnhorst section. (345 ft) II. "THE HITLER YOUTH" Hitler Youth boys learn military skills as they cross assault course, hurl grenades and practise rifle shooting and flying model planes. (345-467 ft) Agfacolor amateur film of medium size field sports and calisthenics event in outdoor stadium (provincial, not Berlin), possibly under the auspices of Kraft durch Freude (KdF) . Local Nazi dignitaries arrive and are greeted at stadium. Young women perform various eurhythmic exercises in centre of track; female and male runners compete in track events; folk dancing accompanied by accordeonist; gymnastics on parallel bars; barefooted girls in long dresses perform more choreographed exercises. (467-609 ft) III. "A NAZI PARTY RALLY" (Extended coverage of the September 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally, with brief German introductory titles) Scenes in Nuremberg before the official ceremonies: shield "For the unity of the people (Volk) and the strength of the Reich", people crossing bridge over River Pegnitz, ancient round tower, five-year old boy spontaneously (?) heils for camera, SA men at fruit stall in Adolf Hitler Platz (formerly Market Square). "The Führer arrives at Nuremberg Airfield": Hitler clambers out of Junkers Ju 52, ill-composed for the camera, with entourage, including man in bow tie (Hans Baur, Hitler's personal pilot ?), then looks around airfield. "Adolf Hitler goes to the Party Congress in the Festhalle on the Luitpoldhain." Small crowds outside the hall greet Hitler; only a few heil. Inside hall all heil as Hitler walks to podium, where Goebbels and Roehm stand. "The Blood Flag of 9 November 1923 is brought in." All stand and heil, including Julius Streicher. "The Führer's deputy, Rudolf Hess, opens the Congress." Hess in black uniform on podium. "Reception of the foreign diplomats": Mitropa sleeping car train pulls in to Nuremberg railway station, diplomats descend and greet each other, and their Nazi host, before being driven off in cars. "An immense crowd awaits the Führer in front of the Culture House, where the cultural event takes place": crowds press forward as Hitler's Mercedes Benz limousine arrives. "Enthusiastic applause greets Chief of Staff Röhm" SA chief Röhm walks along centre of street, with spectators held back on either side. "At the Hitler Youth tent camp": informal scenes of food preparation, eating, resting and youthful fun and games. "65000 Hitler Youths march into the Stadium to pay homage to the Leader": Hitler Youths enter Stadium. "Reichsministers von Papen and von Neurath, and Reichsbank President Schacht on the tribune": Zeppelin airship pases overhead. "Reich Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach greets the Italian Fascists": von Schirach escorts Hitler up to tribune and introduces him. Climax of Hitler's address to Hitler Youth in text: "You are the living Germany of the future, you are the blood of our blood, the flesh of our flesh, the spirit of our spirit, you are the continuation of our people (Volk)". Film concludes with band playing German national anthem and Hitler Youth heiling. "THE END" (over curious title card with broken swastika and military insignia in each corner, as with opening title cards).
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W (part Colour)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6433
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1933
- Production Country: Germany
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W (part Colour) Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: English Title language: German
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 1016 ft; Running time: 26 mins
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