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- Film Number: MGH 6872
- Other titles: AMATEUR FILM BY UNKNOWN CAMERAMAN [Alternative Title]
- Summary: Amateur film shot by unknown cameraman/cameramen records General de Gaulle inspecting members of the 21st Battalion, Special Air Service Regiment (Artists Rifles) on parade in London in 1948, the National Rifle Association Imperial Meeting at Bisley (ca 1960) and extensive coverage of 22 SAS Regiment training in the vicinity of their Hereford base (ca 1960).
- Description: Reel 1: Soldiers with Special Air Service shoulder flashes stand on parade in London, beneath leafless trees, as they are inspected by French Army officers, led by General de Gaulle. Frank Smith [later Major Frank Smith of D Squadron, 21 SAS - in Yemen in 1966] stands out as wearing no medals. In dull rainy weather, De Gaulle inspects British and US officers (wearing black side caps) opposite the Duke of York Steps descending into the Mall, where the French tricolour and the Union flag; soldiers march down the Mall towards Admiralty Arch (Frank Smith marches in centre of rear column; all men carry pistol sidearm and wear the Artists Rifle badge, except one, possibly from 22 SAS based at Hereford.) On ranges at Bisley, winning marksman (Canadian wearing slouch hat with maple symbol ?) is paraded around camp on shoulders of his comrades. Evening cocktail outside the Artists Rifles Club House at Bisley includes Major Ian Lapraik (standing first left) and three SAS servicemen wearing green ties (for distinguished service), plus wives. Winning marksman, now wearing blazer, arrives borne on shoulders of comrades to partake of drink from silver goblet during his celebratory circuit round the camp. "21 SAS Regt Artists Rifle Meeting" on board at Stoney Castle ranges near Pirbright (Surrey); SAS personnel from the Regimental Association fire Lee-Enfield .303 rifles on the ranges. SAS officer (WWII veteran) makes speech at prize-giving, his wife presenting the prizes, including the famous wooden spoon for the worst shot. Rose Bowl is awarded for bayonet fighting. Final view is return to Artists Rifles Club house at Bisley. (5 mins 30 secs) Reel 2: Signs "Medical Reception Station, Hereford" and "Det No 19 Coy RAMC" precede parade by 22 SAS outside hut. Training scenes follow: erecting "basha" (shelter introduced by 22 SAS during Malayan Emergency), out on ranges,, driving in Austin Champ jeeps, demolition course on Sennybridge Range, pistol shooting training against figure targets, Mark V Sten gun training, demonstration of Holger Nielsen artifical respiration technique, concluding with distribution of beer to trainees. Soldiers practise crossing river, then relax with beer and cigarettes outside Tudor-beamed country pub; an Austin Champ bears the SAS badge sword of Damocles. US Beaver-type plane on Hereford racecourse prior to freefall exercise, when soldiers drop from plane by parachute. Member of 21 SAS stands wearing white suit. Slate reads "SAS Artists Reel 25. Climbing. Flotation". Men climb precipitous sandstone outcrop, and swim across river (River Wye?) with equipment in waterproof bergen. Two soldiers carry collapsible Klepper canoe to lakeside, then come ashore armed with SLRs. Lying prone during exercise is Jack Donaldson (boxer); soldiers carry Sterling sub-machine guns. Three camouflaged Austin Champs parked at edge of wood drive off. Brewing up tea after exercise. British Mk 128 forward area transceiver [as used by SAS in Malaya and Oman]. Signals Section communications van with two aerials. (12 mins 30 secs)
- Alternative Title: AMATEUR FILM BY UNKNOWN CAMERAMAN [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6872
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1948
- Production Country:
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie de (person)
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: 16mm Footage: ca 720 ft; Running time: 18 mins
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