SCENES IN ADEN AND KENYA [Allocated title]
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- Title: SCENES IN ADEN AND KENYA [Allocated title]
- Film Number: MGH 6886
- Summary: Amateur film shot by Squadron Leader Ernest Mackay, while serving as Secretary in the Combined Secretariat, Head Quarters British Forces Arabian Peninsula, combines scenes of local life and events in the British colony of Aden, including the ceremony marking the creation of the Federation of Arab Emirates of the South on 11 February 1959, with family scenes in the colony and while on holiday in Kenya, fairly typical of the life enjoyed by British officers and their families while posted overseas during this period.
- Description: Reel 1: Arab cleans barrel of historic ("one o'clock") gun. Red and green flag flying over hut. Arab fisherman in canoe. Fishing village on Slave Island. Reel interspersed with family scenes of Mrs Jean Mackay with her young son Neil. Evening cocktail party at P&O House (Peninsula and Oriental House) includes many Indian guests. P&O flag on mast. Arab fishermen check nets before casting off to sea and then hauling in catch on Slave Island. Royal Navy aircraft carrier (HMS Bulwark ?) off shore. Two parrots on perch. Street scenes at Steamer Point, with shoppers (British ship passengers ?) much in evidence. Passengers board troopship. Arab loads camel. Coastal scenes. Mrs Mackay with Neil. On board HMS Gambia, looking back to Aden and cruising; naval gunnery practice, shooting at drone while Meteor overflies vessel. (10 mins) Reel 2: Locomotive 2701 of East African Railways [previously operated by Malayan Railways till 1948] in Kenya, boarded by Mrs Mackay and Neil, during leave from Aden. Tracking shot from train travelling up country. On Lake Victoria SS Rusinga [used as British troopship during East African Campaign, 1914-1918]; Africans disembark, laden with goods. Scenes on and around the lake and ashore. Family disembarks. Sign "Royal National Parks of Kenya - Amboseli National Reserve. Ol Tukai Lodge" - African wildlife. "Nairobi National Park". More African wildlife. (17 mins 19 secs). Reel 3: In the Bohra Bazaar in the Crater district of Aden, Indian merchants manage variety of stores. Mrs Mackay buys oranges from stallholder. Squadron Leader Mackay and his wife and son enjoy picnic. View down to Crater City, Aden and Steamer Point (lighthouse). Other high angle views of Aden. Goats are herded aboard Aden dhows. Dhow ship building and repair area on Slave Island, using traditional hand tools and techniques. (At 10 mins 11 secs) - "Inaugural Ceremony for the Federal Union of the Amirates of Baihan and Dhala' and the Sultanates of 'Audhali and Fadhli and Yafa'i and the Upper 'Aulaki Shaikdom as the Federation of the Arab Emirates of the South" introduces arrival by car of Governor of Aden (Sir William Luce), who inspects Aden Protectorate Levy (APL) forces. Ceremonial gun salute, APL Band plays pipes, troops march past on parade ground, where Union Jack flies beside the tricolour and crescent flag of the new Federation. APL forces are rebadged, while spectators watch from edge of parade ground. (At 14 mins 2 secs) Muslim celebration (Muharram ?) - colourful scenes in streets of Aden, with APL Band playing, and ceremonial floats and ritual stick fighting. Red and green flags. Aden children in western clothes enjoy fairground attractions. (At 20 mins 49 secs) - "Parade on the occasion of Her Majesty the Queen's Birthday held in Aden" High angle view of parade ground at Khormaksar records arrival of Sir William Luce, his inspection of APL forces, and parade past by APL Armoured Car Squadron of Alvis Saladins, APL Camel Troop, and flyover by RAF planes. A British Army band and APL Band play. (23 mins 23 secs) Reel 4: "Department of Civil Aviation. Aden Civil Airport" Middle East Airlines plane and BOAC Viscount taxi to a halt. The two Mackay daughters, Ann and Joan, have arrived by latter, are driven off in their parents' Standard Vanguard., and arrive home. Traditional windmill turning at Sheikh Othman (Shayk Uthman). Camel train crosses road. Family visits oasis near Sheikh Othman. Squadron Leader Mackay in white shirt and shorts. The Mackay sisters and brother on balcony. RN aircraft carrier offshore. RN Wessex Helicopter lands and departs with stretcher case (possibly an exercise for evacuating casualties from up country). Beach scenes in shark net area. Drive along corniche road towards lighthouse and Gold Mohur Bathing Club. Christmas meal at home served by Indian servant. BOAC Viscount taxis to a halt, bringing the two sisters for their school holiday. The Mackay children play on a lilo at Gold Mohur beach with protective net against sharks. The Mackay family enjoys a sausage barbecue on beach. (20 mins 5 secs) Video Reel 5 (Film Reels 5, 7 and 6): Packing up scenes at end of Aden posting, cases marked Sqn Ldr Mackay, and farewell to Sudanese servant, arrival on board troopship Devonshire. RAF launch delivers Sqn Ldr Mackay to ship. Band of Royal Scots Fusiliers plays on board as ship moves out of Aden. Parents relax on deck. Passing Soviet cargo ship. Bumboat traders hoist their Arabian wares up to passengers on deck. Voyage continues north through Suez Canal, past land and boat dredgers at work, with Egyptians working on bankside. Pilot comes aboard. Soldier leads children in deck games. Another pilot. Entering Valletta harbour. Royal Scots Fusiliers band plays on departure from Valletta. Pilot launch alongside - pilot aboard. Approaching Southampton Docks past the Needles, Isle of Wight. Queen Mary berthed. Soldiers line deck while relatives wait on dockside. Gangway in place. (16 mins 30 secs) - Bulldozer clearing construction site (possibly a Bloodhound missile launch pad at RAF Misson, where Sqn Ldr Mackay was based at this period).
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: MGH 6886
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 1958
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: Mackay, Ernest Douglas (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Silent
- Technical Details: Format: Std 8mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 5 Footage: ;Running time: 93 mins
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