Summary: Amateur film shot by Major Hobbs on Okehampton Artillery Range, Devon, records the last time the 25 pounder gun of P Battery 296 Field Regiment Royal Artillery (Royal Devonshire Yeomanry) was fired.
Description: Crest for the Royal Devon Yeomanry, Royal Artillery at the beginning. After hand-drawn title, the film gives a brief account of an artillery competition. Land Rover drives across waterlogged plain. Open air briefing before the contest; soldiers stood by artillery tender lorries before scrambling into the lorries and driving off, towing light guns. On the plain, the area is surveyed and various equipment is set up. Gunnery teams arrive and prepare their guns; targets are plotted. Panning shot shows a line of three guns, each spaced some distance apart. Spotters get out of a Land Rover and take up position. The three guns are loaded and fired, seen from various viewpoints; distant views of impacts. Each firing is plotted on a chart. Close-up shots of gun breach. Afterwards, the equipment is gathered up and the guns are hooked to the tenders for departure. The crews gather in the open, where they are addressed by a distinguished-looking senior officer; afterwards, the men raise their berets and cheer. Final view of the guns and tenders on the way back to barracks. “The End” (handwritten).