Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information newsreel trailer featuring the comedian Richard Hearne encouraging the public to post early for Christmas.
Description: A small group of people post letters in a post box. Inside a sorting office a post office sorter (Richard Hearne) frantically attempts to sort post in to the relevant pigeon holes and bags in an exaggerated and comic manner. Eventually overwhelmed by the incoming post he cries "Oh no, this is too much!" to which an off screen voice replies "Ahah, this is nothing, it is going to get much worse". More post is brought in and the sorter is engulfed by letters and large baskets of mail. The film cuts to the sorter's bedroom where he is asleep, tossing and turning under his blankets. He wakes up "Oh What a nightmare". His wife enters the room with a cup of tea and tells him to "hurry or you'll be late for the sorting office". The sorter crawls to the end of his bed and talks to the audience in a despairing voice "this sort of thing wouldn't happen, if only you'd post early for Christmas". The film ends with the title POST EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS MAIL NOT LATER THAN 19TH DEC