Summary: An edition of the British official newsreel "World Pictorial News", produced by the Ministry of Information, Middle East.
Description: I. 'NEWS FROM GERMANY.' German workers unload a lorry containing part of a collection of historical musical instruments which will form the basis of a new museum based in Munich. Close up footage shows part of the three thousand strong collection which includes an ornate harpsichord, a sixteenth century piano and a seventeenth century lyre.
II. 'NEWS FROM BRITAIN.' Large numbers of spectators watch the start of the Fifth International Bicycle TT Race held on the Isle of Man. Over one hundred riders set out on the seventy-six mile course, described by the commentary as being "the world's toughest test on two wheels." Highlights of the race follow. Elsewhere, interior footage shows the presentation of the Daily Mail film awards described by the commentary as being Britain's "film Oscars". British actor James Mason accepts award from Lady Rothermere and then makes a speech thanking Daily Mail readers. Margaret Lockwood receives an award for Best Actress and makes "proudest moment of my life" speech.
III. 'CABLE SHIPS.' An item that highlights the work of the HM Postmaster General cable-laying and repair ship MV Monarch (built by Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson). Officers of the Monarch peruse sea charts and consult the bridge-installed radar system. Deck hands deploy the stern mounted cable-trawl in an attempt to capture telegraphic cable from the seabed. Once captured, damaged cabling is cut and new cable is spliced and tested. The ship's telegraphy officer tests the repaired cable section before it is returned to its position on the seabed.
IV. 'NEW ZEALAND VOLCANIC ERUPTION.' A pall of smoke and volcanic ash rises over an erupting Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand. A party of scientists climb to the summit of the three thousand foot volcano to take samples and readings. Views of the lava-filled crater and eruption follow.
Production Details: Ministry of Information, Middle East (Production sponsor)
World Pictorial News (Production company)
Martin, Charles (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Mason, James (person)
Lockwood, Margaret (person)
Rothermere (Lady) (person)
Keywords: arts, German - music (object name)
recreation, British civilian - cinema (object name)
recreation, British civilian - sport: cycling (object name)
ships, British civilian - communications: HMS Monarch (object name)
engineering, civil, British: cable-laying at sea (object name)
sciences, New Zealand - earth (object name)
Isle of Man, UK (geography)
New Zealand & Mount Ruapehu (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: Arabic
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 875 ft; Running time: 9 mins