Summary: A military training film based on a School of Artillery playlet dramatising the procedure required to capture enemy ground.
Description: (Reel 1) An officer is instructing recruits on how to make a fire plan emphasising that the planning is on three levels; Division: Task and Means; Brigade: Tactical plan (outline); Battalion: Tactical plan (detail), Fire plan (outline), Fire plan (detail). Coordination with the Brigadier and Division Commander completes the procedure. This procedure is explained through the officer's own experiences. Flashback is used as a narrative structure aided by the use of models, maps and diagrams. Beginning with the Task and Means: to capture high ground the enemy hold the next day with infantry, two tank squadrons, artillery and air support, this is followed by the Tactical Plan (outline): two separate attacks, one at dawn, a second two hours later making use of the restricted artillery. (Reel 2) Tactical Plan (detail) involves the reconnaissance, allocation, numbering and establishment of the range of targets; location of enemy patrols. (Reel 3) FIRE PLAN (outline and detail) allocation of weapons to targets; fine tuning of ammunition and requests for further weaponry. Importance of cooordination between the levels of command emphasised; the radar post phones in position of the enemy. (Reel 4) Final stage of cooordination at Divisional level; reiteration of procedure emphasising the importance of cooordination between the levels of command.
Production Details: Army Kinema Corporation (Production sponsor)
Verity (Production company)
Tambling, Dick (Production individual)
Wintle, Julian (Production individual)
Jackman, A F (Production individual)
Clark, J H (Production individual)
Tambling, Dick (Production individual)
Ambor, Josef (Production individual)
Haslam, George (Production individual)
Muller, Geoffrey (Production individual)
Tasto, Charles R (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 4
Footage: 3730 ft; Running time: 41 mins