KOFI ANNAN VISITS KNIN AND KORENICA (title on label) [Allocated Title]
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- Title: KOFI ANNAN VISITS KNIN AND KORENICA (title on label) [Allocated Title]
- Film Number: UNT 935
- Summary: Kofi Annan, Under Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, visits Knin and Korenica. He gives a brief interview to UNTV summarising what he has learnt from these visits.
- Description: Shots of Kofi Annan, Under Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, at a briefing of UN staff with General Jean Cot as well as representatives from Civil Affairs, CIVPOL and UNHCR. Exterior shots of the building where the briefing is taking place. Shot of UN flag. UNTV members joke about in front of camera. Shots of Kofi Annan crossing the compound. He then gives a talk to a room of UNPROFOR soldiers and press representatives. He says that once they have finished deploying there will be over 100,000 troops and staff in the field. Kofi Annan takes questions from the floor. The meeting ends. Kofi Annan stands outside in the compound. He walks with an entourage. Kofi Annan in a round table meeting with Knin authorities. A Serbian flag hangs from the wall of the meeting room. Shots of Knin. UNPROFOR personnel come outside. Kofi Annan and his entourage walk and stand waiting beside UN vehicles. Long shots of Knin, a Serb flag flies from the top of the hill. Panning shots of the town. Shot of a helicopter. Helicopter lands. Kofi Annan disembarks with General Jean Cot. They meet other UNPROFOR officers and step into cars. Exterior shot of a building. UNTV staff joke around. Kofi Annan and Jean Cot come out of the building surrounded by officers and members of staff. Interview with Kofi Annan, who says that from this visit his impression of UNPROFOR is of soldiers doing a fantastic job in a difficult situation. He is very proud of their determination to do what they can in the circumstances. He says that these men and women have a strong sense of duty. He says that UNPROFOR need to teach the public that their mandate and resources are limited as they are inclined to overestimate what UNPROFOR are able to achieve. He says that they also have to teach them that the international community can only assist the parties in reaching a political settlement, they cannot make it happen. He says that the media and opinion leaders set the agenda and as they focus on Bosnia-Herzegovina, the problems of the Krajina can be overlooked. He says that they are still pressing on and he will be raising the issue with President Tudjman of Croatia when he sees him. He insists that the issue of the Krajina has not been overshadowed by Bosnia-Herzegovina. From his meeting in Knin today, he says that the Knin authorities expect more from UNPROFOR but they are ready to make some progress in negotiations with Croatia, which is an encouraging sign. He says that they are doing their best to implement the mandate. He ends by saying that he hopes that the UN do not stay here for a long time but he cannot say how long they will be in the former Yugoslavia. He hopes for a political settlement in Geneva. Kofi Annan talks to UNPROFOR officers. He climbs into a car. Shot of Kofi Annan boarding a helicopter. [19 mins]
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 935
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1993-08-25
- Production Country: UN
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Annan, Kofi (person)
- Keywords: Croatia & Knin (geography) Korenica, Croatia (geography)
- Physical Characteristics:
- Technical Details: Format: Hi-8 Footage: 60; Running time: 19 mins
- HD Media:
- Link to IWM Collections page:
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