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- Film Number: RMY 204
- Other titles:
- Summary: Animated propaganda film which is a plea by Major Seversky, former air ace and disciple of Billy Mitchell, for America to create an independent air force with which to bomb Germany and Japan into submission.
- Description: Early history of aviation and the development of aerial warfare until 1918 are illustrated by humorous cartoons. War ended before the importance of air power was recognised and consequently Mitchell's theory that planes could destroy the enemy's cities and knock out his lines of communication was ignored. Effectiveness of air power has since been demonstrated by Luftwaffe successes in Europe and the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Seversky argues that air power can now give the USA the advantage over Hitler's land and sea strength and that this arsenal of democracy can save human lives and its own industrial output only if it strikes directly at Germany's industrial hub. Japan too could be more quickly defeated by air offensive than by land assault if America developed six-engined and heavily armoured bombers flying from bases in Alaska, for "bombers will always get through". Film predicts the development of new rocket-propelled and deep-penetration bombs and in a final cartoon sequence vividly portrays Japan succumbing to the destructive might of massive and invulnerable bomber formations.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: RMY 204
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1943
- Production Country: United States of America
- Production Details: Walt Disney Productions (Production company) Potter, H C (Production individual) Hand, David (Production individual) Pearce, Perce (Production individual) Rennahan, Ray (Production individual) Kalmus, Natalie (Production individual) Padleford, Morgan (Production individual) Cunningham, Lodge (Production individual) Slyfield, C O (Production individual) Keefe, D (Production individual) Dennis, Jack (Production individual) Kiernan, W (Production individual) Hee, T (Production individual) Penner, Erdman (Production individual) Cottrell, William (Production individual) Bodrero, James (Production individual) Stallings, George (Production individual) Rodriguez, Jose (Production individual) Geronimi, Clyde19011989 (Production individual) Kinney, Jack (Production individual) Algar, James (Production individual) Plumb, Edward H (Production individual) Smith, Paul J (Production individual) Wallace, O (Production individual) Ryman, Herbert (Production individual) Da Gradi, Donald (Production individual) Codrick, Tom (Production individual) Philippi, Charles (Production individual) Plummer, Elmer (Production individual) Griffith, Don (Production individual) Herwig, Bill (Production individual) Devirian, Cliff (Production individual) Scott, Glen (Production individual) Karpe, Karl (Production individual) Irvine, Richard (Production individual) Dempster, Albert (Production individual) Anthony, Dick (Production individual) Coats, Claude (Production individual) Huffine, Ray (Production individual) Blanchard, Robert (Production individual) Stanley, Joe (Production individual) Carbe, Nino (Production individual) Kimball, Ward (Production individual) Lounsbery, John (Production individual) Fraser, Hugh (Production individual) Rowley, George (Production individual) Sibley, John (Production individual) Tate, Norm (Production individual) Tytla, Vladimir (Production individual) Meador, Joshua (Production individual) Boyd, Carlton (Production individual) Justice, Bill (Production individual) Aardal, Ed (Production individual) McManus, John (Production individual) Johnston, Oliver M, Jr (Production individual) Woodward, Marvin (Production individual) Toombs, Harvey (Production individual) Baker, Art (Production cast) Seversky, Alexander Nikolaievich Prokofiev de1894-06-071974-08-24 (Production cast)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Seversky, Alexander P de (person)
- Keywords: propaganda, United States - practical (object name) strategy, United States: strategic bombing (object name) Animation (concept) propaganda (concept)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour (Technicolor) Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English Title language: English Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 8 Footage: 5271 ft; Running time: 58 mins
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