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- Film Number: UNT 897
- Summary: Videotape copy of two multimedia modules: COUNTDOWN TO THE FUTURE and THE WORLD WE SHARE.
- Description: 01. Titles: UNITED NATIONS CDi “COUNTDOWN TO THE FUTURE”. "ATTRACT". Shots of Earth from space. Opening sequence of images: people of the Earth and the UN. Title: INTRODUCTION: “COUNTDOWN”. Shots of the world from space. “This is your world, your life, your future”. Shots of children. “We all share one world”. Examples of a globalised world based on technology. Children born today: “What will their future be like?” Shots of UN officials at work, “working for a better world”. Title: I AM THE UN. History of the UN. “Now more than 30 agencies deliver assistance”. The UN is a “worldwide partnership” of 185 nations from around the globe. Shots of UN officials at work. Title: HISTORY. Black and white images from the era of the Second World War: people suffering, cities destroyed, children injured. “From the legacy of two world wars, the UN was born”. Archive footage of Europe in 1945 and the San Francisco meeting in which the UN was established. UN building in New York. Raising the flags outside as the UN continues to add new countries. 1948: first universal human declaration for human rights. 1955: won Nobel peace prize for its work resettling refugees from Europe. Footage of refugees. UN Development Programme offers technological help across the world. 1970: cured 7 million children of river blindness. 1980: global programme “wiped smallpox from the face of the earth”. 1992: global community decided to address the world’s most pressing environmental issues. 1995: organised largest gathering of world leaders in history to tackle the world’s problems. Message: at 50 years we are at a turning point in history and we must redefine the UN to shape the future of this world. Title: HOW IT WORKS. Raising a flag outside New York HQ. UN General Assembly: based on the principle of one member, one vote is a democratic forum. Secretary General: shots of Secretary Generals including Boutros Boutros-Ghali. The Security Council, five permanent members and ten on a rotating basis, can enforce sanctions and send out peacekeeping forces. Its decision’s are binding on every country in the General Assembly. More shots of the council. International Court of Justice: fifteen judges elected by Security Council and General Council. Economic and Social Council: delivers support around the world. Title: I WORK FOR THE UN. A long list of employees and what they do. Series of shots. “People around the world like you and me working for the United Nations”. Edith, entomologist in Tanzania, is trialling a malaria vaccine. Each year 270 million people contract the disease and 1 million die. Shots of Edith at work. Women in Equador making hats. With Tanya’s help they have set up a cooperative to ensure a fair wage for their work. Hosnia in Palestine has set up a clothing industry in a refugee camp. This creates jobs for women and develops the Palestinian economy. Stuart, a volunteer in a rainforest in Sichuan province in China, shares his knowledge with locals to protect pandas in China. Jeff and Bernie have set up a water pump on one of the Pacific islands. These people “all work for the UN, they are people like you and me”. Title: WE ARE THE UN. The UN is about commitment and shared responsibility. “We achieve more together than we can alone”. “Together we are fighting poverty, illiteracy and helping to create jobs we are protecting the environment we are feeding refugees and delivering humanitarian aid where ever disaster strikes. We are working towards peace and stability. We are developing talents of women across the world.” Archive shots from UN showing UN activities. “We tackle problems in the spirit of joint responsibility”. Title: PEACE AND SECURITY. Shots of peacekeeping soldiers. For the first time fifty years ago, it was realised that peace abroad was linked to domestic security. With this, peacekeeping was born. “These people are the faces of freedom”. Shots of peacekeeping soldiers around the world. They are protecting aid deliveries, refugees, overseeing free elections and overseeing destruction of weapons. They have helped to liberate millions. 79 out of 82 recent conflicts have taken place within one state. This is a new reality. The UN now has to address the root causes of conflict and by improving these, avoid conflict. “Working together we can give freedom a human face”. Title: TREATIES AND STANDARDS. Post, email, satellite, and flights require worldwide standards. The world weather station is helping people to avoid natural disasters. International treaties are helping to preserve and protect our world. Copyrights and patents safeguard the works of artists and inventors. These are “world partnerships linked by common needs”. Title: EMERGENCIES. Crisis strikes unexpectedly and they now strike civilians hardest. So far the UN has coordinated 50 global appeals. UNHCR protects refugees and assists their resettlement. Shots of refugees, national disasters, UNICEF and UNHCR trucks, distribution centres and medical clinics. The World Food Programme distributes two million tonnes of food annually. International organisations also help people develop their own talents. For example, in Burkina Faso, shots show UN helping during a drought. “Every second counts”. Title: QUALITY OF LIFE. Advancement of progress and development of nations. Development is most important task facing humanity today. Shots of people. In Kenya, this is the negotiation of vegetable prices before they are sold in France. In China, it is improving transportation. In Bangladesh, it is developing their infrastructure and the World Food Programme’s Food for Work Programme. In Switzerland, it is assessing its water supply as temperatures rise. However there is also poverty. Figures and images of the World’s poor. “This is the face of the future but it doesn’t have to be”. Donations on every a small scale will help the world’s poor. “At stake is our world’s quality of life. It takes so little to make a difference”. Title: TOGETHER THE FUTURE. “More than ever every second counts”. Shots of people on streets across the world. Listing problems in the world with brief shots to illustrate them. “There are no easy answers... the solutions begin with each of us”. “Together we can shape their future”. Title: WHAT CAN I DO? “Be a teacher, be a relief worker distributing food and medicine, a restorer saving works of art, you can think globally and act locally, you can make a difference”. Shots to illustrate these points. People are doing this right now. For example Passport to the Future is a citizen action plan. “Think locally and act globally, right now you can make a difference”. (41 mins) 02. Title: OVERVIEW: THE WORLD WE SHARE. Edited version of COUNTDOWN TO THE FUTURE. Earth from space. “We all share one world”. Importance of world partnerships. More than ever every second counts. 260,000 children born today - what will their future be like? Shots of children from around the world. Clip from QUALITY OF LIFE and HISTORY sections. Shots of council chamber. “Right now people like you are helping people”. So much remains to be done. Problems of poverty. Think globally act locally, you can make a difference. Right now people are making a difference, “at stake is our world’s quality of life”. “You can, you must, make a difference”. “There are no limits to what we can do when we world together”. Series of shots showing UN and people at work. Earth from space. (13 mins)
- Colour: English
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 897
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1995
- Production Country: UN
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: English
- Technical Details: Format: VHS Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Running time: 54 mins
- HD Media:
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