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- Film Number: GWY 200
- Other titles: DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU NR 1944/6 [Alternative Title]
- Summary:
- Description: I. Tenth anniversary of Professor Troost's death. Founder of new German architecture is recalled by two stills of the white-coated Professor beside architectural models and film of exterior of Haus der deutschen Kunst in Munich, which marked renewal of German architecture. Führer's architect also designed Munich's Königlicher Platz in style demonstrating power of new Reich; film shows guards outside honour temple and panning view of neo-classical Führerbau on the Arcisstrasse. II. Soldiers on leave visit Ruhr miners. Holder of Knights Cross Hauptmann Rumpler and group of other servicemen on leave stand with coalminers on surface before donning helmets and descending into mine by cage. Underground scenes at coalface show demanding work of miners. Visitors from front return to surface smiling and standing with their new found comrades. III. Tribute to German Merchant Marine in wartime. Over film of merchant ships in port and on river, and loading and unloading of vessels, commentary praises great contribution of Merchant Navy in transporting goods vital to the war effort. Officer stands in uniform of Merchant Marine and crane driver loads crates into hold of vessel. IV. Doenitz promises naval support to German Merchant Marine. Standing on podium at conference on German Merchant Marine Doenitz reportedly thanks men for their contribution to the war effort, speaks of the comradely unity between the Merchant and Fighting Navies and describes the protection of the former as the paramount task of the Kriegsmarine. Audience includes Reichskommissar for Naval Transport Gauleiter Kaufmann (of Hamburg), Reichsjugendführer Axmann and Gauleiter Bohle (of the Auslandsorganisation). All stand to salute as Doenitz promises that the two navies will together wrest final victory. V. Young Dutchmen join up in NSKK for service on Eastern Front. Signboard indicates NSKK Staffel of Wehrmacht Command in the Netherlands. Dutch youths arrive with suitcases to volunteer for service with German transport units. Youths parade in civilian clothes before undergoing medical examination in room decorated with poster of Nazi youths marching into new dawn. After receiving clothes and boots, youths are inspected by German officer, then march past building (marked Thalia) to railway station. After cheerful farewells on platform train daubed with swastikas, Dutch SS runes (as worn by 23rd Waffen SS Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nederland) and Dutch tricolour pulls out "for first action in the East". VI. Rommel inspects units defending Atlantic Wall. Generalfeldmarschall stands over map on table beneath chandelier hearing situation report on the West. Wehrmacht is reportedly ready for any enemy landing on coast; Rommel sees preparedness himself on visit to bunker, accompanied by General der Artillerie Jodl, and continues tour of inspection by boat, when transferring to a Vorpostenboot from harbour tender marked L9. After voyage he comes ashore at quay. Next visit is to airbase where he walks along wet runway accompanied by holder of Oak Leaves to Knights Cross Oberstleutnant. VII. German nightfighter pilots relax before action. Junkers Ju 88 taxies upon return from nightfighting. Holder of a Knights Cross Oberleutnant. VIII. German artillery shells and anti-aircraft action in Italy. Animated map of Italy. NSKK trucks transport ammunition in Italy; huge stock of large calibre shells marked KG 102 MBT lie on ground. (End of Reel 1) Italian labourers and soldiers (wearing black caps and black lapels) load shells onto trucks. Over film of gun overlooking coastal town with snow-covered mountains in the background, defences are said to be being strengthened. Pzkpfw 38 (t) is built into concealed position and camouflaged. Elsewhere vapour trails overhead herald enemy bombers; alarm wheel is turned, 2cm Flak is elevated, rotated and fired, with cannon cases being clearly ejected. Plane crashes over town. Two Messerschmitt Bf 109s fly past low and another plane (enemy ?) flies low over town as if about to crash. Battery of 8.8cm Flak flies at bombers overhead; their bombs explode beyond town. Flak continues in action, with 8.8cm multi-ringed barrel firing and 2cm being loaded with ammunition from case. Crashing plane and wreckage suggest enemy loss. At an airfield Luftwaffe and Italian personnel stand together before Bf 109s return from action. Pilots are later seen skiing in Italian mountain resort of modern design, relaxing in sun and throwing snowballs. IX. Supplies reach German forces in Abruzzi Mountains. High in snow-covered mountains observation post is linked by cable to command unit. Mules bring supplies up rocky hillside which are then unpacked by Gebirgsjäger; packets are marked Only for frontline infantry. Smoke issues from hut where food, including tinned mirabel plums, is prepared, then transported in back-canteens to troops higher up the mountain. Snowstorm blows across mountain and soldiers make their way in line across expanse of white. X. Snow hinders German transport in Vitebsk sector. Attempts by Bolsheviks to break through since 13 December have been halted by German defence, despite weather conditions. Trucks pass through deep snow; one with chained wheels is pushed forward. Snowplough on front of truck clears path and horses drawing sledges, with supplies which must get through to the front, struggle slowly forward. One truck is marked as petrol tanker on side with fire warning. Other scenes in Vitebsk sector show windmill and grenadiers clearing snow from trenches with shovels. During thaw truck passes through melting slush. Russian prisoners from the Vitebsk sector pass by in long line past village; several hold steaming canteens. XI. German self-propelled artillery in action on Eastern Front. Artillery division comprising Hornisse and Wespe self-propelled guns lined up in snow open fire, causing explosions in distance, as prelude to counterattack. Pzkpfw III starts up, with Wespe SPGs in background, and StuG IIIs wheel round. Over film of Russian dead and wrecked Soviet anti-tank gun and US-supplied trucks marked USA, commentary asserts that between 13 December 1943 and 18 January 1944 Bolshevik losses have totalled more than 40,000 dead and 1,200 tanks captured or destroyed. Russian village, with well-pole silhouetted, blazes by night after its recapture by German forces, seen passing by. By day line of Ostschlepper trucks cross snowscape with blazing village in background. Maultier opens fire, creating barrage of explosions in snow in middle distance.
- Alternative Title: DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU NR 1944/6 [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: GWY 200
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: IWM-GERMAN Attribution: IWM – GWY 200
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1944-01-26
- Production Country: Germany
- Production Details: UFA (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Troost, Paul L (person) Rumpler (Hauptmann) (person) Axmann, Artur (person) Bohle, Ernst Wilhelm (person) Doenitz, Karl (person) Kaufmann, Karl Otto Kurt (person) Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen (person) Jodl, Alfred (person) Brille, (person) Sayn Wittgenstein, zu (Prinz) (person) German Marines (regiment/service) German Army, Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrer Korps & Dutch personnel (regiment/service) Royal Netherlands Army & Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrer Korps (regiment/service) German Air Force, Nachtjagdgeschwader 1 (regiment/service) German Army, Gebirgsjüxe4;ger (regiment/service)
- Keywords: arts, German - fine arts: architecture (object name) industry, German - primary: mining (object name) recreation, German military - leave: (object name) operations, German maritime - routine (object name) operations, German maritime - routine: Merchant Marine conference (object name) recruitment, Netherlands (object name) recreation, German military - leave: skiing (object name) armour, German - SPG: Sdkfz 124 Wespe (object name) armour, German - SPG: Sdkfz Hornisse (object name) Germany & Munich, Bavaria <Haus der deutschen Kunst> (geography) Germany & Munich, Bavaria <Koniglicher Platz> (geography) Germany & Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia (geography) Netherlands (geography) France (geography) Italy (geography) Italy & Abruzzi <mountains> (geography) Russia & Vitebsk area (geography) Russia & <Eastern Front> (geography) snow (concept)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: German Title language: German Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 2 Footage: 1921 ft; Running time: 21 mins
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