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- Film Number: UNT 894
- Summary: UNICEF programme: 'I Dream of Peace, Helping War-Traumatised Children in Former Yugoslavia'.
- Description: Brief clips with children asking for the war to end. Titles: ‘I Dream of Peace, Helping War-Traumatised Children in Former Yugoslavia, UNICEF’. Shot of damaged buildings. Damage to property is only half the story. The war has also had a profound psychological effect on children, the most innocent victims of war. In response, UNICEF has launched a special emergency programme to help children cope. It is for those who have had direct experience of trauma as well as for refugees. Shots of children in art therapy classes. Examples of drawings on the wall. Close up on images of tanks and mines. A girl draws in a cot on a UNICEF notepad. Children paint round a table. Over 150,000 children have already benefitted from the programme. Interview with Nila Kapor, UNICEF Psychologist. She says that everyday many children hear about atrocities and stories of violence. Their fathers have been drafted, and many parents are ‘depressed, hopeless, helpless’ and do not know what will happen in the future. In this condition, they cannot emotionally protect their children. 281,000 children live in besieged enclaves or war zones, 620,000 have been forced from their homes, 35,000 wounded and an estimated 1.5 million children are in state of trauma as result of war. Sanela Vdovich, age 13, says that her family was injured by shelling during what was supposed to have been a ceasefire. Interview with Vedrana Assodi, age 12, who says that they was running from their building towards a shelter. She says that soldiers came running after them and continued shooting. She says that they ran for two hours and when they reached the hospital there were dead bodies everywhere and she could not find her mother. She wipes away a tear. Interview with Irena Bezic, UNICEF Psychologist. She says that children hear others talking about the terrible events that have happened to them, they realise that their experiences can be shared. In sharing their experiences with others, they become close to each other and support one another. In this way, other children can become a substitute for parents who find it hard to talk about it. She says that they help children to relax so that they feel able to share their stories. Shots of a group therapy class. Exterior shot of an orthopaedic hospital. There has been a rise in gun-related accidents. In a hospital ward Zoran Dragic, age 12, explains that he was accidentally shot in the neck by his best friend. A child plays with a toy gun. Shots of art work produced by the children. At a UNICEF workshop in Zagreb children take part in a finger-painting class. Nila Kapor, UNICEF Psychologist, says that part of their role is to educate children on the peaceful resolution of conflict. She says that UNICEF Belgrade fufills a role by teaching this lesson. Shots of a class of children playing a game to demonstrate the value of peaceful resolution. Shots of Zagreb. The greatest task for UNICEF is to erase feelings of bitterness and hatred of future generations. Their programme seeks to promote empathy and cooperation. Shots of children playing outside. Irena Bezic, UNICEF Psychologist, says that showing children another alternative gives them a more positive outlook on the future despite the chaos of their early life. In a group session, children are taught to share their future with others. One girls opens her fist, representing her future, and blows it towards another child. Closing titles: ‘UNICEF. WTN Productions’
- Colour: English
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 894
- Sound: Serbian (Tape D)
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1993
- Production Country: UN
- Production Details: Unicef (Production sponsor)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: (institution)
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: English
- Technical Details: Format: VHS Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Running time: 9 mins
- HD Media:
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