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- Film Number: UNT 361
- Summary: NATO video. Footage of the vessels that make up NATO's and Western European Union's Operation Sharpguard in August 1993 stationed in the Adriatic Sea.
- Description: Titles: ‘Operation SHARPGUARD AUGUST 1993 - ADRIATIC SEA’ ‘HMCS ALGONQUIN D 283 - Destroyer, Canada’ across background of the sea. Shots aboard HMCS Algonquin of signal flags fluttering in the breeze and sailors on deck. The ship is just off the coast of Italy, at Brindisi. Interior shot of the navigation deck crowded with officers. Shot of navigators at work and an officer looking through binoculars. Sounds of sailors calling out directions to port and starboard. Shots of other ships and boats moving alongside the Destroyer. Shots of members of the crew monitoring the other shipping on screens from below deck. Exterior shots of HMCS Algonquin from above and from front and behind. Medium shot of sailors on deck, looking through binoculars, above the NATO sign painted onto the ship’s side. Close up shot on the shoulder epaulette of a Canadian Commodore. Camera pulls out to show the Commodore looking through a pair of binoculars. ‘HMS BEAVER F 93 - Frigate, United Kingdom’ across background of the sea. Shot of the frigate from another boat. Shots of sailors on deck cleaning weaponry. Interior shot of the navigation deck. The Commanding Officer informs a merchant ship of the Frigate’s identity. Other officers are on the navigation deck including a sub-lieutenant. The merchant ship identifies itself as Imperial Dartmouth. Shots of sailors climbing into a helicopter that takes off from the deck of the frigate. The helicopter allows the men to drop onto another ship, Acrux, from Palermo. Several other sailors board the ship, climbing up a ladder from a dinghy. Interview with the Commodore from HMCS Algonquin who explains that NATO are currently posted in the straits of Otranto, in the southern Adriatic. He says that they are checking that the Acrux meets naval regulations and is not breaking the embargo agreed by NATO resolution 820. They are inspecting the cargo and if it is as the captain of the Acrux says it is then this vessel will be cleared. He says that since taking command in this area in July he has challenged over 1400 merchant vessels and boarded over 150 of them. Shots of the sailors returning to the Frigate and one helicopter landing. The camera crew fly briefly in a helicopter to capture some aerial shots of the Frigate. ‘HDMS PETER TORDENSKIOLD F 356 - Frigate, Denmark’. Exterior shots. ‘FGS AUSBURG F213 - Frigate, Germany’. Exterior shots. ‘ITS VITTORIO VENETO CHG 550 - Cruiser, Italy’. Exterior shots showing helicopters on board. ‘HNLMS PHILIPS VAN ALMONDE F 823 - Frigate, Netherlands’. Exterior shots. ‘SPS ASTURIAS F 74 - Frigate, Spain’. Exterior shots. 'SIGONELLA NAVAL AIR STATION - SICILY, ITALY. P3-ORION. Shot of stationary propeller and front-on view of the P3 Orion. Close up on Canadian maple leaf paintwork and the service number 140109. Shot of P3 Orion coming into land and two stationary in a hanger with American flag painted on the wall. Close up shot on sign made by Patrol Squadron 26 recording 235,000 flight hours. Shots of the men working in the hanger and of an airplane with ‘Royal Netherlands Navy’ printed on the side. Mechanics work on the underbelly. Shots of an American Navy P3 Orion and mechanics working on its underbelly. A P3 Orion takes off. View from the cockpit of a P3 Orion. Interior shots of the crew at work, for instance observing radar screens. Shots through windows of a frigate and of the control panel. Close up on badge of Patrol Squad 26. Interior shots as night falls. Landing in the dark on a lit-up runway. Closing titles: ‘NATO Office of Information and Press. B-1110 Brussels Belgium © 1993’.
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 361
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1993-08
- Production Country: NATO
- Production Details: NATO (Production sponsor)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics:
- Technical Details: Format: Beta-SP Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 30; Running time: 25 mins 30 secs
- HD Media:
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