Description: I. Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, USA: Truman nominated for President with Barkley for Vice-President.
II. "Aktuelles in Kuerze." a. 181 dead of the Ludwigshafen catastrophe buried in a mass grave with joint Catholic-Protestant ceremony; General Koenig attends. b. Nuremberg: end of the Krupp trial; Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and others receive 12 year sentences. c. Red Cross train returns 800 German children stranded in Poland, 2000 more to come.
III. London: Olympic Games. Opening ceremony at Wembley: parade, proclamation by King George, lighting of flame, Olympic oath; also early events (high jump; women's discus; 10,000 metres race, won by Zatopek).
IV. BERLIN "The Crisis Continues." a. The wreckage of a USAF C-47 that crashed while participating in the airlift, and Berliners' spontaneous tributes to its 2 dead crewmen. b. Airlift of flour, bread baking. c. Food queues in the Russian Zone too (following Soviet currency reform). d. The dismissal of police chief Markgraf: in an interview, Mayor Friedensburg explains his reasons. e. USAF station Shooting Star jet fighters in Germany. f. US Secretary of State Marshall at a press conference.