Title:GEHEIMEKOMMANDOSACHE 333/44 : ein Abwehrfilm des 1c-Dienstes der Luftwaffe [Main Title]
Film Number:GWY 939
Other titles:G KDOS 333/44 : ein Abwehrfilm des 1c-Dienstes der Luftwaffe [Alternative Title]
Summary: Spy drama set in Occupied Belgium and allegedly based on a real incident in Spring 1944 is a warning to German personnel to guard against espionage.
Description: Helga Berdling, a lonely German secretary working in a Luftwaffe establishment in Brussels dealing with construction plans for air defence sites, is seduced by a British agent, Werner von Loburg, to whom she reveals the contents of a secret file, 333/44. Loburg manages to win her confidence by posing as a businessman whose firm supplies military establishments and gradually insinuates himself into her affections. They go touring in the country and after a night in a hotel Helga consents with great misgivings to showing Loburg the secret file which, he claims, will enable his firm to win a valuable contract. Ignoring her protests he films the file and has the photos developed by the clandestine Belgian centre which provides him with valuable support. The courier taking the film to the coast for transportation to England arouses the suspicion of two security agents and his arrest leads to the discovery of Loburg's spy network. Loburg and his team are rounded up in a raid by the German secret police, still searching for the original security leak. Helga now realises her crime and as her mind flashes back over her betrayal by Loburg and her betrayal of her own country she shoots herself with the pistol of the agent investigating the case. Death also awaits the members of the Belgian network after they have been tried and sentenced in a court of law.
Alternative Title:G KDOS 333/44 : ein Abwehrfilm des 1c-Dienstes der Luftwaffe [Alternative Title]