Description: I. "Atonement for Auschwitz": scenes from trial of 40 camp officials by a Polish court in Cracow.
II. "Aktuelles in Kuerze." a. Hamburg: British official C E Steel hands over charter of Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk to civilians. b. US occupying troops leave Italy in troopships. c. Dr Gerhard Domagk, winner of 1939 Nobel Prize for medicine, in laboratory, thanking assistants for help and congratulations, after his return from Stockholm.
III. The USA's "Friendship Train", travelling from West to East Coast picking up donations for European relief; by its arrival in New York it had grown to 270 wagons carrying 12000 tons.
IV. "Magic of the camera": special films show (accelerated) plant growth, and (ultra-slow-motion) wing movements of bee and humming bird.
V. "Your opinion, please": a Hamburg opinion poll/market research institute in action.
VI. Sport. a. Boxing in Manchester. b. US Olympic skaters practising at Rockefeller Centre.
VII. A progress report on England's post-war reconstruction, with material on coalmining, railway building, (railway unloaders' Sunday overtime) and London Underground extension.
VIII. Germany's only mouth organ orchestra play a Sousa march.