Description: I. BERLIN. a. US delegate to UN, Dr Jessup, visits Berlin, holds press conference. b. Blockade tightens: Russians dismantle railway line where it leaves US sector. c. Art exhibition "5 Generations - German art from Goethe's time to the present" opens (report includes old film of the artist Max Lefort at work) d. Berlin Philharmonic leaves for concert tour in England.
II. Columbia University, New York: installation of Eisenhower as President.
III. "Four-legged exports": German kennels breeding dogs for export.
IV. Trafalgar Day celebrations in England. Ceremonies, including unveiling of busts of Jellicoe and Beatty, in Trafalgar Square attended by Duke of Gloucester, Churchill. V. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. German radio celebrates 25 years of broadcasting. b. Demonstration and film of manufacture of a wristwatch-sized camera. c. A school for fashion models in Hanover.
VI. A Rhineland village (Bottenbroich) situated on top of a rich coal seam is demolished and rebuilt elsewhere "in interests of the economy and reconstruction".
VII. UNO Session in Paris. UN Security Council debates Berlin; Cadogan and Jessup speak; Vishinsky for USSR uses veto for 28th time.