TOPICAL BUDGET 255-2 [Main Title]
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- Title: TOPICAL BUDGET 255-2 [Main Title]
- Film Number: NTB 255-2
- Other titles:
- Summary: I. Serbian casualties. II. Charity garden party in Regent's Park. III. Memorial service for Lieutenant Warneford VC. IV. Blind soldiers take part in rowing race. V. Red Cross Day.
- Description: I. 'STRICKEN SERBIA: Serbian wounded soldiers waiting at a base depot, before being transferred to a hospital ship'. Men gather by a building, most of them bandaged or carrying crutches. Men hand out pieces of paper (tickets ?). (Possibly filmed by Varges.) II. 'THEATRICAL GARDEN PARTY: Members of the theatrical profession hold their annual garden party at Regent's Park. The proceeds are in aid of the Actor's Orphanage Fund'. A costumed large girl (or small woman) sits on a donkey. José Collins (actress) poses for the camera as several eager young men jockey to light her cigarette. A line of people sell programmes. An actress and a soldier, cheek-to-cheek, are filmed in close-up. Item closes with general shot of the party. III. 'WARNEFORD MEMORIAL: Lord Derby unveiling the memorial to the late Lieut. Warneford V.C., to commemorate the heroic exploit in destroying a Zeppelin near Ghent'. Graveside ceremony is filmed from high angle. Lord Derby gives speech; priest is in attendance. IV. 'BLIND MAN'S BOAT RACES: Blind soldiers from St Dunstan's Hostel competing with students from the Worcester College for the Blind. The soldiers defeat their opponents in all the races'. The soldiers get into their boats and prepare their oars. Both two man and five man boats are shown competing. The races on the river are filmed from moving car. V. 'FRANCE'S DAY: The French Ambassador M. Paul Cambon, buying his flag from Mdle. Marianne of the Croix Rouge'. Woman in Red Cross uniform (presumably Mlle Marianne) sells flags to a policeman, and to various people leaving (French Embassy ?) building. M Cambon descends the steps and buys his flag with some showiness. Close up of the smiling nurse; she hold up a flag for the camera.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised: Yes
- Object_Number: NTB 255-2
- Sound: Silent
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM (NTB 255-2)
- Featured Period: 1914-1918
- Production Date: 1916-07-15
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: War Office (Production sponsor) Topical Film Company (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Collins, Jose (person) Derby (Lord) (person) Warneford, Reginald Alexander John (person) Cambon, Pierre Paul (person) Marianne (Mlle) (person) Saint Dunstan's (regiment/service) Worcester College for the Blind (regiment/service) French Red Cross (regiment/service)
- Keywords: casualties, Serbian military - wounded (object name) medical, Serbian military - movement (object name) recreation, British civilian - social: garden party (object name) society, British - charity: fund raising garden party (object name) buildings, British - monumental: memorial (object name) ceremonies, British - event-related: unveiling of memorial (object name) casualties, British military - wounded: blind ex-servicemen (object name) recreation, British military - sport: rowing (object name) society, British - charity: flag day (object name) Serbia (?) (geography) GB, England & London, NW <Regent's Park> (geography) GB, England (geography)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Silent Soundtrack language: None Title language: English Subtitle language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 308 ft; Running time: 3 mins
- HD Media:Yes
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