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- Film Number: UNT 79 X
- Summary: UNTV reports on the journey of the first UNHCR aid convoy to East Mostar that arrives, with UNPROFOR protection, during the night of the 25th of August 1993.
- Description: 1. Footage of a meeting between UNPROFOR and authorities in Mostar. Attendees include Cedric Thornberry, UNPROFOR Head of Civil Affairs, and representatives from Mostar arranging the passage of the first UNHCR aid convoy into East Mostar. Row of parked UNPROFOR APCs. Two SPABAT soldiers sit on top of one. Soldiers give out bottles of water to these men. Another short clip of the meeting. Outside, close up shot on UN banner. SPABAT soldiers sit on APCs. SPABAT officers walk past. UNPROFOR officials including Cedric Thornberry walk past in flak jackets. APC column driving along a road and coming to a halt. Many people on the roadside. A number of cameramen film this halt. Bosnian Croats did try to stop the convoy reaching East Mostar according to Cedric Thornberry (see link to article in Digital Reference field). 3. Interview with a representative from UNHCR in the dark after the convoy arrived in East Mostar. He says that this is the first time anyone from UNHCR has made it to the East bank and their initial impression is this is the worst of all living conditions they have seen in Bosnia. In the morning, they will investigate more thoroughly to compile a report. He says that the arrival of this convoy is very significant symbolically but it will also allow UNHCR to gather evidence for a Special Report on the area. He says that the hospital, itself an improvised facility, had been hit three times by grenades yesterday and had sustained significant damage. He says that based on initial conversations it seems that civilians here only receive one meal a day and that that one is nutritionally poor. The following morning UNPROFOR APCs are parked in one of the main streets on the East side of Mostar. Behind them, boys wave Bosnian flags. Shot of a mosque’s minaret with a gaping hole where a shell has blown through it. The streets are full of people. Interview with a SPABAT soldier who explains that the people of East Mostar do not want UNPROFOR to leave. He says that from they are rapidly learning about the harsh conditions for people living on this side of the town. He says that this is his first international experience and so far it has been very interesting. The SPABAT APC is unable to move. Bosnian Muslims are sitting on the ground in rows with signs to stop them leaving. These men, women and children are afraid that if UNPROFOR leaves the Bosnian Croats will begin shelling East Mostar again. Shots of new graves. Mounds of bare soil, each with a wooden cross commemorating a recent death. Shots show the destruction of the shop fronts on the street where the UNPROFOR APC is parked. Shots of the bridge built to temporarily replace the Old Bridge at the heart of the town. Scaffolding supports corrugated iron roofing and tyres hang from the sides of the bridge. People hurry across to fill up water containers and then make their way back to the East side (?). Close up on plaque to Fadil Karić (1971-1992) and Jasmin Brekalo (1971-1992), described as ‘Borči Mostara’, ‘Fighters of Mostar’. People fill up containers with water from hoses. Shot of the bridge and the shelled buildings of the East bank. A young man shows UNTV his apartment that has been completely burnt. The floor is covered with rubble and soot and the walls are blackened. He says that all of his possessions have been destroyed. He points out where posters and pictures used to be on his wall. Sound of gunfire in the background. He says “I don’t want to hate anybody” but that there is no freedom in this country. He feels that he is unable to go anywhere and that it is the aim of Croats and Serbs to destroy Muslims. From inside a sandbagged shelter, the young man points out the hospital for Croats that is only fifty metres away. He says it is even possible to hear music from a Croatian radio station. The young man walks through the rubble of the house. Clip of Cedric Thornberry at a press conference. He says he was among 163 officials that arrived last night from the UN, UNHCR, the European Community and other international relief organisations. Shots of Cedric Thornberry answering people’s questions on the streets. Interview with one of those on the streets. He says that he lives in Mostar and is a soldier in the Bosnian Government Army. He says that on the other side of the river the Croatian Army have everything including heavy guns and they have nothing. This is a demonstration because people here think that if UNPROFOR leave it is a sign that not only Croats and Serbs, but Europeans want to kill Muslim people here. UNPROFOR soldiers visit a woman in her home. A Danish UNPROFOR officer answers a journalist’s questions. Darkness falls and people are still on the streets. Wounded girls lie in ambulances and wooden coffins lie on the side of the road. A shell lies buried in the pavement.
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 79 X
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1993-08-28
- Production Country: UN
- Production Details:
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Thornberry, Cedric (person)
- Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina & Mostar (geography)
- Physical Characteristics:
- Technical Details: Format: Beta-SP Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 35
- HD Media:
- Link to IWM Collections page:
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