Summary: Report on the work of United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs) in and around Karlovac.
Description: Shots of No Man’s Land in Karlovac. UN Military Observers (from Canada and Bangladesh) walk through a minefield that one marked the front line between Croatian and Yugoslav forces. Shots of mines by the road side, residents standing in front of their homes and damaged buildings. UNPROFOR officers meet local police officers. Interview with Major Sobani, from Bangladesh who says they visit the former front line to monitor the situation between the two sides. Brief clip of UNMOs talking to police officers representing the Krajina Serbs.
In February 1992 Croatian and Yugoslavian governments agreed to the establishment of UNPROFOR. Footage of the UN Security Council in session. Interview with Brigadier John Wilson, UNMO, who talks about the broadening role for Observers. They are present to monitor agreements between parties, working in small, mobile teams and reliant on excellent communications. The first of these UNMOs arrived before UNPROFOR. Footage of their arrival, surrounded by the press. Major Abdul Hafez (Bangladesh), briefs the press on the role of UNMOs. Footage of Venezuelan and Swedish Military UNMOs in Sarajevo. Clip of press conference with Brigadier John Wilson who says that they are there to help the parties, not there to dictate terms to the parties.
Footage of UNMOs on patrol. Lieutenant Colonel Richard Mole explains that by being unarmed they can liaise with all sides and can build up trust with all sides. Major Yves Dureux (from France) in a meeting talking about monitoring the withdrawal of both sides. Footage of UNMOs on patrol in Platski (sp?). One of the UNMOs, MacDonald, explains that they are the first people to cross this place on foot in a year and they hope to make establish a UN Checkpoint here so that life in this area can return to normal.
UNMOs are working to open up a milk factory near Karlovac. They talk to people in the area. One man says that they feel much safer now that UNPROFOR have a presence in the area. Captain Francis Ogolla (Kenya) asks local people if they have any problems. One of the men says that they are now able to repair the overhead cables. Shots of men repairing buildings.
Brigadier John Wilson says it is a challenge being unarmed but they feel that slowly they are building up a good reputation with the different groups.
Object_Number:UNT 252
Sound:Serbian (Tape D)
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1990-2000
Production Date:1992
Production Country: UN
Production Details:
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: Croatia & Karlovac (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: English
Technical Details: Format: Beta-SP
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 30; Running time: 8 mins 55 secs