Other titles:MIXED MARRIAGES [Alternative Title]
FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE [Alternative Title]
Summary: A look at the problems people in mixed marriages now face in Zenica, Bosnia because war has altered the country in which they were wed.
Description: Black and white film of a wedding. Interview with a young woman about mixed marriages who thinks that they cannot work here anymore. Interview with an older woman who explains that women of her age married with no regard for their partner’s nationality and religion.
In Zenica mixed marriages had been commonplace and the city was proud of its religious tolerance. Now people in mixed marriages feel increasingly isolated. An association has been set up by Dijana Durdić for families of mixed marriages to help people who have relations on both sides of the conflict. The main aim of the association is to secure humanitarian aid for those that have been turned away from religious aid organisations. People queuing to register say that they have experienced this problem. One man calls himself a hybrid. He says that “we used to be the pride of this society and now we are misfits.”
At the city’s steel factory, there are 300 workers and 7 percent are in mixed marriages. Women talk about the discrimination they have experienced because they are in a mixed marriages and describe the verbal abuse their children have experienced at school. One woman says that “politics has sneaked into those children and young people”. Interview with young people, most are against mixed marriages. One young woman says that she is against them because the children of such marriages feel like they do not fit in and become depressed. Her boyfriend says he is also opposed because he is afraid of war in the future and family separation.
Footage from the studio of Zetel TV filming their nightly news programme. TV presenter Željika Bajramović is a Serb and her husband is a Muslim, who fled at the beginning of the war with their children but has now returned. He feared that friends would turn against him.
Dijana Durdić thinks that “mixed marriages can be an embryo of togetherness” even though it will take time.
Alternative Title:MIXED MARRIAGES [Alternative Title]
FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE [Alternative Title]
Colour:English (Tape Code A)
Object_Number:UNT 833
Sound:Bosnian (Tape Code B)
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1990-2000
Production Date:1995-12 1996-01-12
Production Country: UN
Production Details: Butler, Kate (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: English (Tape Code A)
Sound format: Bosnian (Tape Code B)
Soundtrack language: Croatian (Tape Code C)
Title language: Serbian (Tape D)
Technical Details: Format: Beta-SP
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1