Title:UH - DUBICA (title on label) [Allocated Title]
Film Number:UNT 991
Summary: Jovanka Bosanac is interviewed in a hut at a DANBAT checkpoint. (Original footage later copied on to Beta SP cassette, also held).
Description: 01. Shots of a UN Checkpoint. A sign reads ‘CAMP HOLGER DANSIE’. Shot of a light blues signpost to ‘DANBAT/UNPROFOR ND OZA’. Shots of the ND OZA Observation Post at the top of the track. Shots of DANBAT soldiers on exercise. They rest by the roadside. Shots of ND 21 Checkpoint. Local people walk past the checkpoint.
No image. Sounds of DANBAT radio communication (?).
Interview with Jovanka Bosanac, who fled from her home in Pakrac during the Croatian offensive in the first days of May 1995. She talks about her journey from Pakrac across the border into Bosnia. She describes the shelling and her family’s efforts to reach a bus heading out of the town. She says that she and her sister each took a handle of the holdall but they “only made it two steps when the shells fell”. She describes seeing her sister’s body, “I tried to lift her but she did not move”. She went to look for help and everywhere were the wounded and the dying, “you just had to step around them”. She describes her journey to Bosnia and the terrible pain in her neck that prevented her from hiding when the bus to the border was caught up in shellfire. Safely in Bosnia, she recalls her mother’s arrival, dressed all in black and how, “all of a sudden I remembered everything”. She starts to cry, regretting once again that she was not at her sister’s funeral because “I’ll never see anything of her again”. She holds a mix tape in her hand that reminds her of home.
Jovanka moves around the apartment. She wipes the table clean with a dish cloth from the kitchen. She loads logs into the stove. She then searches in her rucksack and handbag to find photographs of her family. Her mother, dressed all in black, weeps over the photographs. Jovanka sits on the edge of the bed and cries.
Jovanka hangs washing up to dry on the grassy plot outside the apartment.
02. A woman dressed in black stands in front of a tractor on a noisy road. She describes an attack on her home and family. She is on the edge of tears. She wipes away her tears with a handkerchief.
03. Footage of an Orthodox procession.
Object_Number:UNT 991
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1990-2000
Production Date:1995-06
Production Country: UN
Production Details:
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics:
Technical Details: Format: Hi-8
Footage: 60; Running time: 37 mins