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- Film Number: UNT 905
- Summary: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) video. Description taken from cassette case: "Children from around the world recount their experiences, talk about their fears, their needs and give advice on how to end the refugee problem. Their statements are an inspiration as well as a warning of what the future holds if the problem is not solved."
- Description: Animated opening titles: a girl writes on the backboard ‘UNHCR presents’. A clip of a boy in the class at the International School in Geneva saying that they can make a little difference themselves, they do not have to wait for others to make a change. The girl then adds ‘MAKE A LITTLE DIFFERENCE’ to the blackboard. Text: ‘We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot...To him we cannot answer “tomorrow”. His name is “today”. Gabriela Mistral, Chilean Nobel Laureate’. Shots of children from all around the world. A boy says that children cannot choose where they are going to be born. Shots of children working. Another boy says that inside all children are the same so there should be no difference between them. Titles: ‘EPHRAIM, 13 YEARS OLD, ETHIOPIAN, REFUGEE IN KENYA’ and photo of Ephraim. Shots of boyd collecting water. He says that he is not happy because he says he wants to learn. Titles: ‘GEORGE, 13 YEARS OLD, UGANDAN, REFUGEE IN KENYA’ and photo of George. He says that refugees are those that run away when there is no food, no freedom and no peace. Titles: ‘HOANG, 12 YEARS OLD, VIETNAMESE, REFUGEE IN THAILAND’ and photo of Hoang. She says that she left her country by boat, without enough food and water. Titles: ‘MOISES ANTONIO, 13 YEARS OLD, SALVADORIAN, RETURNEE’ and photo of Moises Antonia. He says that he left Honduras because soldiers wanted to catch them and kill them. When his father was killed, his family decided to leave. Titles: ‘IRMA, 12 YEARS OLD, SALVADORIAN RETURNEE’ and photo of Irma. Shot of Irma at school. She says that soldiers came to kill everything and killed three of her brothers. Archive footage of soldiers. Shots of Thika Refugee Centre. Shots of children working around the world. Titles: ‘MORELIA, 12 YEARS OLD, SALVADORIAN RETURNEE’ and photo of Morelia. She says that she has never had her own toys; she has only worked to support her brothers. Titles: ‘VU, 11 YEARS OLD, VIETNAMESE, REFUGEE IN THAILAND’ and photo of Vu. She says that she has no toys. Instead she just goes to the library to look at the pictures. George, the Ugandan refugee, says that they used to have a school but now people live there. Ephraim says that he likes to study but has only one book and has read it ten times. One boy in the class at the International School in Geneva says how lucky they are to have an education. Child reads out the Declaration of the rights of the child. Graphics: ‘education, food, freedom, health, peace’. Morelia says that the rights of children are not respected because there is no peace. Title: ‘ANDRES, 12 YEARS OLD, SALVADORIAN, RETURNEE’ and photo of Andres. Archive footage of soldiers. Andres says that there is always war. Moises Antonio says that he is afraid of death. A girl in the class at the International School in Geneva says that it is unfair that children have to leave their homes. George, the Ugandan refugee, there should be peace because if there is no peace people cannot stay in their countries. Titles: ‘JOHANNES, 12 YEARS OLD, ETHIOPIAN, REFUGEE IN KENYA’ and photo of Johannes. He says “it is not good to leave your country...not good to run...a refugee’s life is bad. Shots of children around the world. A boy in the class at the International School in Geneva says that when they grow up there will no longer be refugees in the world but before then many will die. Shots of refugees around the world. Ephraim says he hopes to go to America and then return to Ethiopia after a decade, when, he says, “I will be wealthy in my county and help my country”. The refugees say their wishes for the future. Children in the class at the International School in Geneva say that they could help by buying less and giving their money to help feed the poor. One boy say “I am prepared to use my money to help refugees rather than by toys or silly little could be paradise for them”. Closing shots of children living in a refugee camp. Animated closing titles: girl adds UNHCR logo to the black board and the phrase ‘Why don’t you try?’ She then says ‘why don’t you try?’ Closing credits: Producer/director Niurka Pineiro. Production Assistant Bettina Nibbe. Camera Jean Bernard Mollard, Nick Hughes, Derek Williams, Hector Ochoa. Music: Original Themes and Variations Mike Porcel. Song “Prendre un enfant”. Words and music Yves Duteil, Editions de l’Ecritoire. Performed by Choir of the International School of Geneva: La Chataigneraie. Animation Edmond Liechti. Post Production Stratis Video Geneva. Special Thanks: The International School of Geneva: Pregny, Mr. David Batten and his fifth grade class, specifically to: Nashak, Peter, Nicky, Adam, Clara, Karoline United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Copyright UNHCR 1991. UNHCR logo.
- Colour: English
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNT 905
- Sound: None
- Access Conditions:
- Featured Period: 1990-2000
- Production Date: 1991
- Production Country: UN
- Production Details: UNHCR (Production sponsor)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (institution)
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: English
- Technical Details: Format: VHS Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Running time: 14 mins, 22 secs
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