Film Number:A70 102-1
Other titles:
Summary: A section of the Courseulles-Caen railway line is seen being operated by the 181st Railway Operating Company RE and French SNCF railway workers following its restoration by the 8th Railway Construction Company RE.
Description: Rail sections are unloaded from LCT 2343 docked in the harbour at Courseulles-sur-Mer and are despatched by flat car to No. 188 Transportation Stores Depot at Luc-sur-Mer. Empty waggons are shunted back to the quayside for loading as a WD diesel locomotive pulls the flat-cars out of the harbour railway sidings. The cameraman follows the journey along 'Juno' and 'Sword' Beaches through Bernieres-sur-Mer and Langrune-sur-Mer to Luc-sur-Mer where a mobile crane assists the unloading of the rail sections at the stores depot; among the vehicles seen queuing at a level-crossing is an amphibious jeep. Captured Deutsche Reichsbahn waggons are seen to comprise a large proportion of the rolling stock in use. Pioneers and sappers working on the line leave the station at Luc-sur-Mer in passenger carriages pulled by a WD diesel locomotive.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Watkins, R V (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: SNCF (regiment/service)
British Army, Royal Engineers, Railway Operating Coy 101 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCT 2343 (regiment/service)
Keywords: engineering, military, British: railway construction (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCT 2343 (object name)
supplies, Allied, movement [RA] - misc: rail (object name)
transport, French military - rail: WD diesel locomotive (object name)
transport, German military - rail: rolling stock & [captured] & [impressed] (object name)
transport, United States - amphibious: amphibious jeep (object name)
Courseulles-Caen Railway, Bernières-sur-Mer, Calvados, France (geography)
Courseulles-Caen Railway, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Calvados, France (geography)
Courseulles-Caen Railway, Langrune-sur-Mer, Calvados, France (geography)
Number 188 Transportation Stores Depot, Luc-sur-Mer, Calvados, France (geography)