Summary: A WRAF officer, flying home from Singapore at the end of her short-service commission, recalls incidents in her career while trying to reach a decision on whether to take up a permanent commission.
Description: The incidents recalled in her work, first in a 'personnel management' role at a Technical Command station, then in the technical administration (supplies) of a fighter station, and finally as assistant adjutant at Changi, illustrate the sort of work open to WRAF officers, a representative pattern of promotion and movement even in a short-service commission, and the social and recreational aspects of off-duty life. The incidents also each examine one of 3 aspects of personal relationships in the services: the need for active concern for those under one's command; the need for understanding with colleagues; and the problem of tension (in this case male prejudice and apparent ingratitude) with a superior officer. The film does not explicitly say what decision the officer reaches.
Production Details: Air Ministry (Production sponsor)
Central Office of Information (Production sponsor)
World Wide Pictures (Production company)
Carr, James (Production individual)
Cass, Henry (Production individual)
Evans, Pat (Production individual)
Anscombe, Ronald (Production individual)
Boland, Eily (Production individual)
Gilpin, Peter (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Air Force, Women's Royal Air Force, (regiment/service)
Keywords: operations, British air - routine (object name)
Singapore & Changi (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 3
Footage: 2606 ft; Running time: 30 mins