UFA NR 595 [Main Title]
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- Title: UFA NR 595 [Main Title]
- Film Number: GWY 154
- Other titles: UFA AUSLANDSTONWOCHE NR 595 [Alternative Title]
- Summary:
- Description: I. Falange Chief Arrese visits Berlin. Secretary-General of Falange, invited to Germany by head of Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt Lindenfeld approaches Ehrenmal on Unter den Linden to lay wreath inscribed with name of Falange. General Lindenfeld, with Arrese at his side, then takes salute at marchpast by SS guard of honour to tune of Badenweiler March. Small group of Berliners, looking cold or depressed, watch ceremony. II. Bulgarian Minister of War visits Hitler at Wolfsschanze. Lieutenant-General Nikolai Richov, on a study visit to Germany, arrives at Hitler's GHQ at the Wolfsschanze in East Prussia accompanied by Keitel. Richov first shakes hands with naval adjutant before Hitler comes forward to greet his guest. Richov then introduces three accompanying Bulgarian generals to the Führer, assisted by an interpreter. III. Victor Emmanuel III visits defences in Sicily. Italian King Emperor, on one week long visit of inspection, is accompanied by admirals and generals as he passes sailors and soldiers drawn up on parade beside coastal cliffs. Two Macchi C200 fighters stand on airfield. King's limousine stops near summit of Mount Etna before descending road lined with motor-drawn guns. Vehicle drives through crowded town where German Army and Italian flags fly together. German and Italian units stand to attention, including two Luftwaffe men with paratroop badges and another missing an arm who shakes hands with the King. Car drives slowly through town (Palermo ?) past German Gebirgsjäger and Italian sailors, then passes other sailors drawn up in port of Palermo, where King boards ship. IV. Swedish radiography bus to screen Finnish children. Bus powered by gas and marked Swedish Child Clinic, which has been offered to the Finnish Red Cross by Sweden, allows examination of children in isolated villages. Nurse picks up toddler and little girl is then examined by doctor with stethoscope. Bus drives off on left (ie in Sweden) through snow. V. Danish swimming festival. Danish men and women dive into a swimming pool a few degrees above freezing point, then traditional festival continues with half-naked costumed men parading from Hellerup (near Copenhagen) and falling into water from boat. VI. French cross-country cycle race. Hundred participants in Versailles to Paris cycle race pedal along country road, then run across country before reaching River Seine, with Eiffel Tower in distance. Robert Ouvron (?) wins. VII. Ukrainian meat processing factory Intensive activity of Germany in occupied territories in the East has brought economic capacity back to its previous level and is increasing production. Male and female workers in a factory in the Ukraine which tins meat and produces sausages, daily processing 300 cattle, are seen sharpening knives, cutting carcases, filling tins with meat pieces prior to steam sealing, packing crates marked Rindfleisch (ie for German export) and making sausages from minced meat. VIII. Winter scenes on supply route to Arctic Ocean. Animated map of extreme northern sector of Eastern Front. New rest house, Built by Organisation Todt workers, now stands in snow on road linking Salle to Petsamo which is most important supply route to the front. Reindeer draws sledge past and trucks pass along road, which soldiers (all carrying rifles) work to clear of metre of snow fallen during night. Snow is more efficiently cleared by mechanical blower. Cars pass through wooden tunnels built to prevent exposed sections of route from being blocked by snow. View of coast or lake shore. IX. Spanish Blue Division in Leningrad Sector. New commander of Spanish Division Major-General Esteban Infantes takes salute at marchpast by Spaniards en route for front pulling sledges. Infantes stands in snow with other Spanish and a few German officers. Infantes later visits the front, walking through trenches, then awards Iron Cross to Spanish soldiers wearing snow smocks. Spanish unit supplied with skis stands awaiting inspection. X. German artillery blasts Russian positions on the river Neva. Gunners scramble to man 10.5cm le FH 18, which fires against Russian advance positions on frozen River Neva in front of Leningrad (town visible beyond). Troops wear white camouflage and pass along trench system before firing machine gun. General (Lindemann ?) observes scene through binoculars. XI. German reconnaissance patrol in North Africa. Animated map of North Africa. Patrol sets off in Mercedes-Benz heavy utility armed with two pedestal-mounted MG 34s mounted for anti-aircraft defence. Aim is to check if oasis on south side of desert is occupied by enemy. Soldiers identify tyre markings in desert as English, so patrol advances cautiously until they reach oasis fort which is occupied by their comrades. Arab inhabitants welcome their arrival and German medical orderly, "always ready to bring assistance to the population", bandages a little girl's leg. Camera pans over Arab town and fort to sand escarpment. XII. German-Italian armoured headquarters in North Africa. Conversations about the military situation bring together Field Marshal Rommel and Kesselring with Marshal Cavallero at desert GHQ. Cavallero and Rommel walk towards a tent while Kesselring and General der Flieger Seidemann stand together. XIII. Germans fire against British bombers and tanks in North Africa. 8.8cm Flak in desert opens fire against distant bombers as explosions mark the horizon. One plane crashes in the distance and camera shows blazing wreckage. Cut-in of explosions in town implies destruction of non-military targets. Rommel and Kesselring stand together. Artillery opens fire against distant tanks, creating puffs of sand in desert.
- Alternative Title: UFA AUSLANDSTONWOCHE NR 595 [Alternative Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: GWY 154
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: IWM-GERMAN Attribution: IWM – GWY 154
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1943-01
- Production Country: Germany
- Production Details: UFA (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Lindenfeld (General) (person) Arrese y Magra, José (person) Richov (Lieutenant-General) (person) Keitel, Wilhelm Bodewin Gustav (person) Hitler, Adolf (person) Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy (person) Ouvron, Robert (person) Esteban Infantes, Emilio (person) Lindemann, Georg (person) Cavallero, Ugo (person) Kesselring, Albert (person) Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen (person) Seidemann, Hans (person) Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen (person) German Army, Gebirgsjager (regiment/service) German Air Force, Paratroops (regiment/service) German Army (regiment/service) Royal Italian Army (regiment/service) Italian Royal Navy (regiment/service) Finnish Red Cross (regiment/service) OrganisationTodt (regiment/service) Spanish Army & Blue Division (regiment/service)
- Keywords: ceremonies, German - event-related: wreath-laying (object name) delegations, Spanish international - political: Arrese visits Berlin (object name) arts, German - music: Badenweiler march (object name) delegations, Bulgarian international - political: Richov visits Germany (object name) aircraft, Italian - combat: Macchi C202 (object name) delegations, Italian national - state: Victor Emmanuel III visits Sicily (object name) medical, Swedish civilian - preventative: radiography (object name) transport, Swedish civilian - bus (?): mobile children's clinic (object name) recreation, Finnish civilian - sport: swimming (object name) recreation, French civilian - sport: cycling (object name) industry, Russian - food: meat processing (object name) animals, mammals: reindeer (object name) engineering, military, German: road building (object name) transport, German military - snow: blower (object name) ceremonies, Spanish - event-related: investiture (object name) delegations, Spanish national - military: Esteban Infantes visits Blue Division (object name) combat, German military - artillery bombardment (object name) defences, German - emplacement: trench system (object name) weapons, German - gun: 10.5cm le FH 18 (object name) medical, German military - emergency: First Aid (object name) society, German military - friendship: Arabs (object name) operations, German military - sortie: patrol (object name) transport, German military - heavy utility: Mercedes-Benz MG 34 portee (object name) delegations, Italian international - military: Cavallero visits Rommel (object name) combat, German - anti-aircraft (object name) combat, German - anti-tank (object name) weapons, German - gun: 8.8cm Flak (object name) Germany & Berlin, Berlin <Ehrenmal> (geography) Kętrzyn, Warmia-Masuria, Poland (geography) Italy & Palermo, Sicily (geography) Italy & Mount Etna, Sicily (geography) Sweden (geography) Denmark & Hellerup (geography) Eiffel Tower, Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France (geography) Russia & Ukraine (geography) Finland & Petsamo-Salla Road (geography) Russia & Leningrad area (geography) Russia & Leningrad area (geography) Russia & Neva (River) (geography) Tunisia (geography) Winter (concept)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: French Title language: French Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 1333 ft; Running time: 15 mins
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