Film Number:A70 71-10
Other titles:
Summary: A cow, one of the many animals abandoned by French farmers forced to flee from the fighting in Normandy and left to wander between the British and German lines, is taken care of by men serving with the 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment's 'A' Company.
Description: A private soldier, a farmer in peacetime, leads a cow found in 53rd (Welsh) Division's sector of the Odon Valley front to his company's encampment on the outskirts of Cheux and encounters his company sergeant-major who wishes to fill his hand bowl with fresh milk. The Company Sergeant Major, a regular soldier, has no success in milking the cow and has to make way for the ex-farmer. The CSM drinks the milk thus obtained from his bowl, thanks the private and leaves, contented; note the Fordson 15cwt truck parked in the background. The cow and its temporary owner exit stage left.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Robinson, D (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: British Army, Manchester Regiment, Bn 1, Coy A (regiment/service)
Keywords: animals, mammals: cow (object name)
society, British military - sustenance (object name)
transport, British military - truck: Fordson WOT2 15cwt truck (object name)
Second World War, North West Europe & Operation Overlord & 6/7/1944 (event)
Cheux, Calvados, Normandy, France (geography)