Summary: A revised version of RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT (1957) showing how the public and the civil defence services will deal with fallout from a hydrogen bomb.
Description: Part One - The Overall Situation. The film is identical to the original version except that the maximum dosage for civil defence workers (the "wartime emergency dosage") is now set at 75 roentgen (half the dosage at which radiation sickness sets in) and the fallout patterns shown in the diagrams are less schematic.
Part Two - Fallout in the Damaged Area. The film differs from the original in the radiation levels in which civil defence workers may operate - up to 10r/hr over an eight hour shift, or in exceptional circumstances working at a 20r/hr level up to a maximum dosage of 100r.
Part Three - Fallout in the Undamaged Area. This version of this part incorporates a substantial amount of new footage covering in particular the clearance of the high fallout zone. There are other minor differences such as a more up to date transistor radio in one of the houses.
Production Details: Scottish Home Department (Production sponsor)
Home Office (Production sponsor)
RHR Productions (Production company)
Cobham, David (Production individual)
Riley, Ronald H (Production individual)
Cobham, David (Production individual)
Mason, Bert (Production individual)
Jessop, Peter (Production individual)
Barden, Michael (Production individual)
Abbott, Ron (Production individual)
Guild Animation (Production individual)
Greeves, Vernon (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 16mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 5
Footage: 1755 ft; Running time: 49 mins