Other titles:RAILWAYS IN BRITAIN, 1935-1976 [Allocated Series Title]
Summary: A record of Landing Craft production, including the final stages and unloading at Southampton Docks. Work being undertaken on a pontoon bridge is also included.
Description: (5 April 1943) Eastleigh Works, Hampshire, the ramp of a Mechanised Landing Craft (MLC) is being lowered down into position. Workers help to manually manoeuvre it into place, hammering in a pin at the pivot. This is followed by the engine, which is carefully lowered below deck. The hull of a “petrol tank vessel” (?), sitting on supports in the workshop. SH225
(5 April 1943) Eastleigh Works, Hampshire, two female workers paint a section of a pontoon bridge, outside the workshop on a flat railway wagon. A Landing Craft Support, Medium (LCS(M)) and two Landing Craft Personnel (LCP) (No. 47, 120 & 119) are towed out of the workshop doors on flat railway wagons by locomotive. A single 25-ft Fast Motor Boat is on the rear wagon. (1 min) SH226
(5 April 1943) An MLC (No. 257) being shunted up the track by locomotive. (2 min 17 sec) SH227
(5 April 1943) The same MLC (No. 257) is towed on a Pickfords truck through an urban street, to the Southampton dockside where it is lifted from the trailer by crane. The MLC is manoeuvred into position and eventually launched into the water. (2 min 34 sec) SH228
Alternative Title:RAILWAYS IN BRITAIN, 1935-1976 [Allocated Series Title]