Summary: YMCA tea cars providing refreshment for Canadian(?) soldiers in Britain.
Description: The reel, which consists of several sections joined together, opens with a series of (inter?)titles - "Inspection by General McNaughton (G.O.C.)", "The Cars in Action", "At Buckingham Palace", "Tea Cars for Canadians". A lady performs some kind of inauguration ceremony with a YMCA Tea van parked in a city street (dated 7/11/1940 on the film's leader). A motley collection of YMCA tea cars ("Serving HM Forces Overseas") approach Buckingham Palace and drive in, followed by a number of civilians on foot; the tea cars depart (dated ?/?/1940 on the film's leader). A mixed line of YMCA tea cars are parked in a street for a press call(?); they depart; the tea cars drive along country roads. Canadian(?) troops take a tea break, running off to a waiting tea car; a tea van drives up a muddy track at some speed; officers take tea from a tea car outside the mess; the Montreal Daily Star is handed to waiting troops; tea is measured into a tea urn; Canadian soldiers work at a canvas(?) before taking tea.
Alternative Title:FORD FILM WAR RECORD [Series Title]
Object_Number:FWR 30
Access Conditions:NON-IWM
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1940
Production Country: GB
Production Details:
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: None
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 600 ft (ca); Running time: 6 mins