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- Title: INDIAN NEWS PARADE NO 83 [Main Title]
- Film Number: INR 83
- Other titles: INDIAN NEWS PARADE [Series Title]
- Summary:
- Description: I. "FIVE GOALS TO THREE - ENGLAND VS SCOTLAND AT THE IRWIN STADIUM" Viceroy Lord Wavell watches England vs Scotland match at the Irwin Stadium. Among the Scottish players were Winters of Glasgow Rangers, MacEwan of Queen's Park Rangers while England fielded Curtis and Compton of Arsenal, Goddard of Wolves and Heslop from Bolton Wanderers. Calvert played in the English goal. II. "ID MUBARAK" Muslims celebrate the end of the Ramadan fast in Delhi's vast Jami Masjid mosque. After prayers the Maulvi leads Id (Eid) greetings. Guests stream into the pavilion. Scenes of Doctor Rajaji Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, who is "devoted to communal unity". Bhulabhai Desai and Mrs Sarojini Naidu, "famous figures in the Hindu world join in celebrating the greatest festival of the Muslim year". III. "FOREMOST IN THE NEWS - THE INDIAN AIR FORCE" Air Commodore Vincent congratulates cadets at a passing out parade at the Training School at Secunderabad. Trophies are awarded to cadets, among them Officer Cadet Yardley for aerobatics, Flying Officer Murat Singh for forced landings and Officer Cadet Springett for best trainee. Commentary remarks that the men can imagine themselves "over Burma, meeting Jap Zeroes shooting them down". Scenes of Leading Aircraftsman Douglas Wray drawing sketches. IV. "MADRAS CORPORATION'S TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY" A floodlit Madras Corporation Building is the scene for the Major, welcoming distinguished visitors, to mark the two hundred and fifty fifth anniversary of the Corporation. "He told a crowded audience that the civic idea in Madras was born back in 1688". Major "pleaded with citizens to keep the streets tidy and help Madras to be the City Beautiful". V. "THE SUPREMO WITH THE ROYAL INDIAN NAVY" Commodore French of the Royal Indian Navy makes his way to meeting with Lord Louis Mountbatten who is reviewing the Royal Indian Navy Beach Commandos. Learning the technique "from scratch", Mountbatten "began the story which led to D-Day in Normandy". The Supremo meets Sub Lieutenant Farthing. Although beach landings are a mechanised affair, commentary notes that "it's still a job that calls for great courage and coolness". Mountbatten calls his Commandos around him for informal pep talk. VI. "MOTHER INDIA LOOKS TO YOU" Sir John Colville, Governor of Bombay and Lady Colville meet Sir Sultan Ahmed and Mr Thapar, "the men responsible for telling India what goes on in the world outside, and how that's shaping India's future". Sir John Colville opened the Poona show of "what is rapidly becoming a War and Peace Exhibition", organised by the National War Front. Large crowds see demonstration of the arts of war and a model town, "things we hope will fill the newspapers of tomorrow". Scenes of a nutrition restaurant, people riding in boats demonstrating wartime river crossings, and "a very convincing tank battle".
- Alternative Title: INDIAN NEWS PARADE [Series Title]
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: INR 83
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: IWM Attribution: © IWM
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1944-10-13
- Production Country: GB India
- Production Details: Department of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India (Production sponsor) Moylan, William J (Production individual) Moylan, William J (Production individual)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:Mountbatten, Louis (Earl) Mountbatten, Louis (Earl) (person)
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English Title language: English Subtitle language: None
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 835 ft; Running time: 9 mins
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