Summary: I. "NAVAL PATROLS ON THE BURMA COAST". Allied navy patrols carry out target practice.
II. "BLOCKING THE JAP ESCAPE ROUTES ON THE MAWCHI ROAD". Allies push on to Mawchi to prevent Japanese soldiers escaping from the area north of Rangoon.
III. "NO RELAXATION IN RECRUITING". Recruits undergo physical examination at the Recruiting Office at Bareilly in the United Provinces.
IV. "AUSTRALIANS CLOSING IN ON MALAYA". Australian forces land on the beach and take Labuan Island unopposed. General McArthur comes ashore to congratulate the soldiers.
Alternative Title:INDIAN NEWS PARADE [Series Title]
Production Details: Department of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India (Production sponsor)
Moylan, William J (Production individual)
Moylan, William J (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1