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- Film Number: TV 152X
- Other titles:
- Summary: Interview rushes for the BBC 2 series "The Battle of the Atlantic".
- Description: ANALYSIS Interviewee names are taken from the listing held in the Production File, and amended/corrected where necessary. TV 152X/01 (Beta-SP) Interview with David Balme (Part 1). TV 152X/02 (Beta-SP) Interview with David Balme (Part 2). TV 152X/03 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Peter Smithers (Part 1). TV 152X/04 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Peter Smithers (Part 2). TV 152X/05 (Beta-SP) Interview with Frank Holding (Part 1). TV 152X/06 (Beta-SP) Interview with Frank Holding (Part 2). TV 152X/07 (Beta-SP) Interview with Frank Holding (Part 3). TV 152X/08 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Robert Atkinson (Part 1). TV 152X/09 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Robert Atkinson (Part 2). TV 152X/10 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Robert Atkinson (Part 3). TV 152X/11 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Robert Atkinson (Part 4). TV 152X/12 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Robert Atkinson (Part 5). Interview with Frank Marshall (Part 1). TV 152X/13 (Beta-SP) Interview with Frank Marshall (Part 2). Interview with Jo (Joe) Instance (Part 1). TV 152X/14 (Beta-SP) Interview with Jo (Joe) Instance (Part 2). TV 152X/15 (Beta-SP) Interview with Canon Bence (Part 1). TV 152X/16 (Beta-SP) Interview with Canon Bence (Part 2). TV 152X/17 (Beta-SP) Interview with Canon Bence (Part 3). Interview with Rear Admiral J H Adams (Part 1). TV 152X/18 (Beta-SP) Interview with Rear Admiral J H Adams (Part 2). TV 152X/19 (Beta-SP) Interview with Rear Admiral J H Adams (Part 3). TV 152X/20 (Beta-SP) Interview with Colin Warwick (Part 1). TV 152X/21 (Beta-SP) Interview with Colin Warwick (Part 2). TV 152X/22 (Beta-SP) Interview with Captain Usherwood (Part 1). TV 152X/23 (Beta-SP) Interview with Captain Usherwood (Part 2). TV 152X/24 (Beta-SP) Interview with Peter Eustace (Part 1). TV 152X/25 (Beta-SP) Interview with Peter Eustace (Part 2). TV 152X/26 (Beta-SP) Interview with Peter Eustace (Part 3). TV 152X/27 (Beta-SP) Interview with Admiral Jamieson. TV 152X/28 (Beta-SP) Interview with John E Guest (Part 1). TV 152X/29 (Beta-SP) Interview with John E Guest (Part 2). TV 152X/30 (Beta-SP) Interview with John E Guest (Part 3). Interview with William Merton (Part 1). TV 152X/31 (Beta-SP) Interview with William Merton (Part 2). Interview with Don Kirton (Part 1). TV 152X/32 (Beta-SP) Interview with Don Kirton (Part 2). TV 152X/33 (Beta-SP) Interview with Don Kirton (Part 3). TV 152X/34 (Beta-SP) Interview with Don Kirton (Part 4). Interview with Mrs Mary Hall (Part 1). TV 152X/35 (Beta-SP) Interview with Mrs Mary Hall (Part 2). TV 152X/36 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Witte (Part 1). TV 152X/37 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Witte (Part 2). TV 152X/38 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Witte (Part 3). TV 152X/39 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Witte (Part 4). Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 1). TV 152X/40 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 2). TV 152X/41 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 3). TV 152X/42 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 4). TV 152X/43 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 5). TV 152X/44 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter (Part 6). Interview with Horst von Schroeter and Fran von Schroeter (?) (Part 1). TV 152X/45 (Beta-SP) Interview with Horst von Schroeter and Fran von Schroeter (?) (Part 2). Interview with Dr Eberhard Moeller (Part 1). TV 152X/46 (Beta-SP) Interview with Dr Eberhard Moeller (Part 2). TV 152X/47 (Beta-SP) Interview with Erich Topp (Part 1). TV 152X/48 (Beta-SP) Interview with Erich Topp (Part 2). TV 152X/49 (Beta-SP) Interview with Erich Topp (Part 3). TV 152X/50 (Beta-SP) Interview with Erich Topp (Part 4). TV 152X/51 (Beta-SP) Interview with Erich Topp (Part 5). TV 152X/52 (Beta-SP) Interview with Heinz Wilde (Part 1). TV 152X/53 (Beta-SP) Interview with Heinz Wilde (Part 2). TV 152X/54 (Beta-SP) Interview with Heinz Wilde (Part 3). TV 152X/55 (Beta-SP) Interview with Juergen Oesten (Part 1). TV 152X/56 (Beta-SP) Interview with Juergen Oesten (Part 2). TV 152X/57 (Beta-SP) Interview with Juergen Oesten (Part 3). TV 152X/58 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hanns-Ferdinand Massmann, former U-boat commander (Part 1). TV 152X/59 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hanns-Ferdinand Massmann (Part 2). TV 152X/60 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hanns-Ferdinand Massmann (Part 3). Interview with Richard Amstein (Part 1). TV 152X/61 (Beta-SP) Interview with Richard Amstein (Part 2). TV 152X/62 (Beta-SP) Interview with Richard Amstein (Part 3). TV 152X/63 (Beta-SP) Interview with Volkmar Koenig (Part 1). TV 152X/64 (Beta-SP) Interview with Volkmar Koenig (Part 2). TV 152X/65 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Rudolf Rosing (Part 1). TV 152X/66 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Rudolf Rosing (Part 2). TV 152X/67 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Rudolf Rosing (Part 3). TV 152X/68 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Ecke (Part 1). TV 152X/69 (Beta-SP) Interview with Helmut Ecke (Part 2). TV 152X/70 (Beta-SP) Interview with Commander Phillimore (Part 1). Tape also includes footage of the Admiralty, Whitehall. TV 152X/71 (Beta-SP) Interview with Commander Phillimore (Part 2). TV 152X/72 (Beta-SP) Interview with Commander Phillimore (Part 2). Interview with Marguerite Patten (Part 1). TV 152X/73 (Beta-SP) Interview with Marguerite Patten (Part 2). TV 152X/74 (Beta-SP) Interview with Eric Munday (Part 1). TV 152X/75 (Beta-SP) Interview with Eric Munday (Part 2). TV 152X/76 (Beta-SP) Interview with Eric Munday (Part 3). TV 152X/77 (Beta-SP) Interview with Lieutenant Commander Colin McFadyean (Part 1). TV 152X/78 (Beta-SP) Interview with Lieutenant Commander Colin McFadyean (Part 2). TV 152X/79 (Beta-SP) Interview with Professor John Hanbury Brown (Part 1). TV 152X/80 (Beta-SP) Interview with Professor John Hanbury Brown (Part 2). Interview with Sir Donald McDougall (Part 1). TV 152X/81 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Donald McDougall (Part 2). TV 152X/82 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sir Donald McDougall (Part 3). TV 152X/83 (Beta-SP) Interview with Terence Bulloch (Part 1). TV 152X/84 (Beta-SP) Interview with Terence Bulloch (Part 2). TV 152X/85 (Beta-SP) Interview with Terence Bulloch (Part 3). Interview with Sean Wylie (Part 1). TV 152X/86 (Beta-SP) Interview with Sean Wylie (Part 2). TV 152X/87 (Beta-SP) Interview with Bill Coffey. (NB No Tape 88 - see notes.) TV 152X/89 (Beta-SP) Interview with Reinhard Hardegen (Part 1). TV 152X/90 (Beta-SP) Interview with Reinhard Hardegen (Part 2). TV 152X/91 (Beta-SP) Interview with Reinhard Hardegen (Part 3). TV 152X/92 (Beta-SP) Interview with Reinhard Hardegen (Part 4). TV 152X/93 (Beta-SP) Interview with Reinhard Hardegen (Part 5). Interview with Heinz Kuhlmann (Part 1). TV 152X/94 (Beta-SP) Interview with Heinz Kuhlmann (Part 2). TV 152X/95 (Beta-SP) Interview with Heinz Kuhlmann (Part 3). TV 152X/96 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Jochen von Knebel-Döberitz (Part 1). TV 152X/97 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Jochen von Knebel-Döberitz (Part 2). TV 152X/98 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Jochen von Knebel-Döberitz (Part 3). TV 152X/99 (Beta-SP) Interview with Hans-Jochen von Knebel-Döberitz (Part 4).
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: Colour
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: TV 152X
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: NON-IWM
- Featured Period:
- Production Date: 2000 2001
- Production Country: GB
- Production Details: BBC Television (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations:
- Keywords:
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English/German
- Technical Details: Format: Beta-SP Number of items/reels/tapes: 98 Footage: 98 x 30 mins Betacam SP tapes; Running time: 2900 mins approx
- HD Media:
- Link to IWM Collections page:
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