Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information newsreel trailer encouraging women to join the WAAF, WRNS and ATS.
Description: The film opens with a close-up of a service woman blowing a bugle. Over a brief montage of blitzed buildings and firefighters in London, soldiers manning a large artillery piece, troops moving forward over open ground, ships line astern and a view of bombs dropping from an aircraft the commentary states "For over 3 years we have been waging a defensive war. Now we are going over to the offensive on land, on the sea and in the air. Every man who can fight is needed for fighting and it is up to the women of Britain to take over the non-combatant duties". Brief shot of a pile of recruiting posters for the WAAF, WRNS and ATS. The commentary continues "All three of the women's services are now open to volunteers". Group of women outside of a Ministry of Labour and National Service enquiry office. The film cuts to the interior of a cinema and the female audience with a spot light passing from one women to another while the commentary explains that women from 17 and a half years to 45 years of age can join "what ever they are doing now". Brief shots of a woman typist at work, a women assembling small wooden boxes and a female cigarette shop assistant. "If it is not of the most vital necessity you can be relieved - you are needed in the ATS, WRNS and WAAF". Shot of a member of each of the women's services. The film concludes with another shot of the women in the cinema superimposed with images of troops and tanks and the images of the three service women.
Alternative Title:RECRUITING WOMEN [Alternative Title]