Film Number:DRA 331
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Summary: A military training film simulating the procedure involved in the relief of watches at the coastal site of a 6 inch CP II gun.
Description: (Reel 1) Shot in day for night. Guns must be alert at night as darkness is the friend of the invader. New watch is called to the manning parade by the officer of the watch. The watch falls in and is inspected by the No 1. The battery standing orders and tactical situation are read by the officer of the watch. Meanwhile the old watch are cleaning and sweeping the shelter in preparation for the new watch. Each watch is responsible for the condition of the shelter. Outside the new watch awaits. The No 1's of each watch inspect the shelter. The old watch wait for the new watch to prepare themselves - there must always be a detachment ready to go into action. Once the new watch have their gun floor shoes on they relieve the old watch at the gun and the lookout. But before the old watch is free they must wait for the new watch to adjust to night vision. The gun is formally handed over. Any changes are passed to the new No 1 and the old watch change into kit and go to the manning parade. Checks carried out during the day are also done at night. Film ends with the simulation of an alarm and the sinking of a U-boat thereby emphasising the importance of the procedure outlined in the film.