Film Number:A70 41-4
Other titles:
Summary: Units of the 50th and 7th Armoured Divisions encounter stubborn German opposition north of Tilly-sur-Seulles.
Description: Officers of the 7th Armoured Division examine a wrecked Pzkpfw IV Ausf G or H tank from the 130th 'Panzerlehr' Division that was knocked out by a six-pounder anti-tank gun detachment belonging to the 6th(?) Battalion Durham Light Infantry on the Bayeux - Tilly-sur-Seulles road near Jerusalem. The camera examines a penetration made in the tank's superstructure by an armour-piercing round. Another Mark IV 'Special', burnt-out and surrounded by its own debris, is found ditched by the roadside with its long-barrelled 7.5cm gun pointing earthwards. A Sherman OP tank and two CMP 15cwt trucks belonging to the 5th Royal Horse Artillery motor in convoy through the wrecked crossroads village of "Jerusalem" (Douet de Chouain). Keeping close to the walls of derelict cottages, infantrymen from the 6th Durham Light Infantry's 'A' Company file through the smoke-shrouded village past an ex-Inns of Court 'C' Squadron Daimler armoured car that was destroyed by US fighter- bombers shortly after D-Day. Lying among the ruins of Douet, Private William Wheatly, a DLI Bren gunner, opens fire on German positions.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Carpenter, L (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: German Army, Div 130 (regiment/service)
British Army, Div, Armoured, 50 (regiment/service)
British Army, Div, Armoured, 7 (regiment/service)
British Army, Durham Light Infantry, 6th Battalion, Coy A (regiment/service)
British Army, Royal Artillery, Royal Horse Artillery, 5th Battalion (regiment/service)
Keywords: weapons, British - gun: Bren (object name)
transport, British military - truck: 15cwt truck (object name)
armour, British - armoured car: Daimler scout car & [wrecked] (object name)
armour, German - tank: Pzkpfw IV 'Special' & [wrecked] (object name)
armour, German - tank: Pzkpfw IV & [damaged] (object name)
combat, British military (object name)
armour, United States - funnies: M4 Sherman OP & [British] (object name)
Tilly-sur-Seulles, Calvados, Normandy, France (geography)
Jerusalem, Calvados, France (geography)
Douet, Calvados, France (geography)