Film Number:A70 69-1
Other titles:
Summary: "Mine" dogs attached to 277th Field Park Company RE's No 1 Dog Platoon carry out basic training before going into action.
Description: The animals - Black Labrador, Alsatians and Golden Retrievers - are seen being fed by their dog-handlers and taken for a walk along the N13 road on Bayeux's outskirts; the lieutenant in charge of the platoon is seen as they return to camp. Then the dogs are groomed; more pre-fabricated kennels are erected. During a free exercise period, an Alsatian plays leap-frog with four dog-handlers. A series of obedience tests for the dogs is then carried out. Afterwards, a section of ten dogs carry out a mine-detection exercise; three dogs and their handlers spearhead the search, three more are held as reliefs while the other four animals are kept in reserve. White cones are used to mark the spot where a mine has been sniffed out (the dogs receiving a reward each time they are successful); sappers then unearth and render the mines harmless. Afterwards, the dogs, dog-handlers and sappers are joined by their CO to pose for the cameraman with the mines they together have detected and defused.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film Unit (Production company)
Parkinson (Sergeant) (Production individual)