Description: I. 'Last' battle pictures from the Pacific. Scenes include: British and US fleets; Vice Admiral Rawlings (RN) visits US Admiral Halsey; attacks on Japanese shipping and coast; bombardment of coast.
II. German POWs released to work on farms (registration, stripping of military insignia).
III. First meeting of UN since San Francisco, in London.
IV. Quisling sentenced to death in Oslo: courtroom scenes, arrival and removal of Quisling.
V. Montgomery's visit to Canadian troops at Oldenburg, including film of his crashed plane.
VI. River transport in China: team of men pulls string of boats upstream in rapids.
VII. 'Kamera Rundschau' of Essen: clearing and reconstruction (film concentrates on transport facilities); also a British bomb disposal crew at work.
VIII. Allied soldiers on leave in Switzerland find "another world, undisturbed by war."
IX. Explanatory American film (largely animated diagrams) on Radar.
X. Heidelberg University medical faculty reopens under Professor Bauer.
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Quisling, Lauritz Vidkun Abraham (person)
Bauer (Professor) (person)
Royal Navy (regiment/service)
United States Navy (regiment/service)
United Nations (regiment/service)
Canadian Army (regiment/service)
Heidelberg University (regiment/service)
Keywords: combat, United States - air strike (object name)
delegations, United States international - military: Admiral Halsey visits Vice Admiral Rawlings (object name)
destruction, Japanese military - aimed: air strike (object name)
prisoners of war, German - labour (object name)
administration, international - civilian: United Nations (object name)
delegations, British international - military: Montgomery visits Canadian troops (object name)
ships, Chinese civilian - inland (object name)
operations, British military - mines: bomb disposal (object name)
reconstruction, German: Essen (object name)
recreation, Allied military - leave (object name)
propaganda, United States - practical: explanation of radar (object name)
medical, German - research: Heidelberg University medical faculty (object name)
Germany & Essen, North Rhine Westphalia (geography)
Japan & <coastal area> (geography)
Pacific Ocean (geography)
London, England, UK (geography)
Norway & Oslo (geography)
Germany & Oldenburg (geography)
China (geography)
Switzerland (geography)
Germany & Heidelberg (geography)
Animation (concept)
Instruction (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: German
Title language: German
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1782 ft; Running time: 20 mins