Other titles:AMERICA MOVES HER JAPS [Alternative Title]
Summary: American propaganda film showing the evacuation of the Japanese population from the Western seaboard of America to inland camps soon after the beginning of the war.
Description: The film is introduced and narrated by the Director of the War Relocation Authority, Milton S. Eisenhower. Fearing the presence of 100,000 Japanese residents along the West Coast and what they would do in the event of an enemy invasion, the Commanding General of the W Defence Command insisted that all the Japanese be moved inland. The film follows the stages of this evacuation: the registration of all Japanese, the initial voluntary migrations, the aid given by civilian agencies to those who suffered financially from the evacuation, the temporary settlement on race-tracks and fairgrounds and the final transportation to the more permanent camps inland. The film shows the Americanisation classes offered in these new camps and the employment of the adults on local agricultural work. The film's message is clearly stated "We are setting standards for the rest of the world in the treatment of people who may have loyalties to an enemy nation. We are protecting ourselves without violating the principles of Christian decency.
Alternative Title:AMERICA MOVES HER JAPS [Alternative Title]
Object_Number:USA 3
Access Conditions:IWM
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1942
Production Country: United States of America
Production Details: War Activities Committee, Motion Picture Industry (Production sponsor)
Office of War Information Bureau of Motion Pictures (Production company)
Veiller, Anthony (Production individual)
Eisenhower, Milton Stover1899-09-151985-05-021942, director of War Relocation Authority responsible for internment of Japanese-American citizens, 1942-43, associate director of Office of War Information. (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Eisenhower, Milton Stover (person)
War Relocation Authority (regiment/service)
Keywords: society, United States - precautionary: internment of Japanese residents (object name)
prisoners of war, Japanese - custody: civilian internees in US (object name)
prisoners of war, Japanese - reception: civilian internees in US (object name)
prisoners of war, Japanese - movement: civilian internees in US (object name)
USA & <West Coast> (geography)
propaganda (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1670 ft; Running time: 19 mins