Summary: 53rd (Welsh) Division establishes a bridgehead over the Meuse-Escaut Canal on the left flank of 30th Corps jumping off point for Operation "Market".
Description: At 158th Brigade's west raft site, two Class 5 close-support rafts operated by the 1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment's assault pioneer platoon ferry vehicles - as seen here, a jeep and universal carriers from the 7th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers (including the battalion CO's carrier) and an OP carrier from the 83rd Field Regiment RA - across the 30-yard wide canal to the bridgehead. Four hundred yards away to the east near the Lommel-Luykgestel road, detachments from the 63rd Anti-Tank Regiment RA - a universal carrier and two Morris Quad 17/25 pounder tractors towing 17 pounder anti-tank guns - motorcycle despatch riders and a 115th Welch Regiment Bedford MW truck cross 555th Field Company RE's Class 9 FBE bridge under the supervision of two 'Redcaps' on point duty. Loyd carriers from the 1st East Lancashires anti-tank platoon arrive in the bridgehead to collect 6 pounder guns ferried earlier across the canal; vehicles belonging to the sapper unit and an Austin K2 ambulance can be seen on the south bank of the canal.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Watkins, R V (Production individual)