Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information newsreel trailer advising people to use coke and anthracite in order to save coal.
Description: The film opens with a brief shot of a steam locomotive passing under a bridge and the title COAL, with the commentary "aircraft factories need more coal to turn out more bombers" (brief interior shot in an aircraft factory) "more ships bringing more supplies need more coal" (brief shot of a naval convoy on the horizon). The film cuts to the interior of a suburban living room (staged set). The voice on the radio continues the commentary "with all these demands on coal it is up to the householder to economise". Listening to the radio are a man and a woman, the man reading a paper and the woman knitting. The pair discuss the coal situation "what are we going to put in the grate next winter?". The voice from the radio replies "now don't get excited Madam.." and explains that the Government is advising the public to order their coal as soon as possible and to take 10% as coke or anthracite. The woman questions whether coke makes a really good fire, to which the radio voice replies "Oh yes, if you go about the right way" and the offers the following advice (illustrated by stop-action filming) light the fire in the normal way using small lumps of coal, when going well add coke or anthracite and keep the underside of the fire clear of ash to ensure a good draught. The radio then disappears from the living room with the words "Good burning, Nice day" to which the man angrily replies "Oy! what about our radio? We want to listen to ITMA!" The radio reappears. The film ends with a caption over a shot of a blazing fire BUT DON'T FORGET ORDER YOUR WINTER FUEL NOW AND TAKE 10% IN COKE OR ANTHRACITE.